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of St。 Domingo; where the blacks are established into a sovereignty

_de facto_; & have organized themselves under regular laws &

government。  I should conjecture that their present ruler might be

willing; on many considerations; to receive even that description

which would be exiled for acts deemed criminal by us; but

meritorious; perhaps; by him。  The possibility that these exiles

might stimulate & conduct vindicative or predatory descents on our

coasts; & facilitate concert with their brethren remaining here;

looks to a state of things between that island & us not probable on a

contemplation of our relative strength; and of the disproportion

daily growing; and it is overweighed by the humanity of the measures

proposed; & the advantages of disembarrassing ourselves of such

dangerous characters。  Africa would offer a last & undoubted resort;

if all others more desirable should fail us。  Whenever the

Legislature of Virginia shall have brought it's mind to a point; so

that I may know exactly what to propose to foreign authorities; I

will execute their wishes with fidelity & zeal。  I hope; however;

they will pardon me for suggesting a single question for their own

consideration。  When we contemplate the variety of countries & of

sovereigns towards which we may direct our views; the vast

revolutions & changes of circumstances which are now in a course of

progression; the possibilities that arrangements now to be made; with

a view to any particular plan; may; at no great distance of time; be

totally deranged by a change of sovereignty; of government; or of

other circumstances; it will be for the Legislature to consider

whether; after they shall have made all those general provisions

which may be fixed by legislative authority; it would be reposing too

much confidence in their Executive to leave the place of relegation

to be decided on by _them_。  They could accommodate their

arrangements to the actual state of things; in which countries or

powers may be found to exist at the day; and may prevent the effect

of the law from being defeated by intervening changes。  This;

however; is for them to decide。  Our duty will be to respect their



        _To P。 S。 Dupont de Nemours_

        _Washington; Jan。 18; 1802_

        DEAR SIR;  It is rare I can indulge myself in the luxury of

philosophy。  Your letters give me a few of those delicious moments。

Placed as you are in a great commercial town; with little opportunity

of discovering the dispositions of the country portions of our

citizens; I do not wonder at your doubts whether they will generally

and sincerely concur in the sentiments and measures developed in my

message of the 7th Jany。  But from 40。 years of intimate conversation

with the agricultural inhabitants of my country; I can pronounce them

as different from those of the cities; as those of any two nations

known。  The sentiments of the former can in no degree be inferred

from those of the latter。  You have spoken a profound truth in these

words; 〃Il y a dans les etats unis un bon sens silencieux; un esprit

de justice froide; qui lorsqu'il est question d'emettre un _vote_

comme les bavardages de ceux qui font les habiles。〃  A plain country

farmer has written lately a pamphlet on our public affairs。  His

testimony of the sense of the country is the best which can be

produced of the justness of your observation。  His words are 〃The

tongue of man is not his whole body。  So; in this case; the noisy

part of the community was not all the body politic。  During the

career of fury and contention (in 1800) the sedate; grave part of the

people were still; hearing all; and judging for themselves; what

method to take; when the constitutional time of action should come;

the exercise of the right of suffrage。〃  The majority of the present

legislature are in unison with the agricultural part of our citizens;

and you will see that there is nothing in the message; to which they

do not accord。  Some things may perhaps be left undone from motives

of compromise for a time; and not to alarm by too sudden a

reformation; but with a view to be resumed at another time。  I am

perfectly satisfied the effect of the proceedings of this session of

congress will be to consolidate the great body of well meaning

citizens together; whether federal or republican; heretofore called。

I do not mean to include royalists or priests。  Their opposition is

immovable。  But they will be vox et preterea nihil; leaders without

followers。  I am satisfied that within one year from this time were

an election to take place between two candidates merely republican

and federal; where no personal opposition existed against either; the

federal candidate would not get the vote of a single elector in the

U。S。  I must here again appeal to the testimony of my farmer; who

says 〃The great body of the people are one in sentiment。  If the

federal party and the republican party; should each of them choose a

convention to frame a constitution of government or a code of laws;

there would be no radical difference in the results of the two

conventions。〃  This is most true。  The body of our people; tho'

divided for a short time by an artificial panic; and called by

different names; have ever had the same object in view; to wit; the

maintenance of a federal; republican government; and have never

ceased to be all federalists; all republicans: still excepting the

noisy band of royalists inhabiting cities chiefly; and priests both

of city and country。  When I say that in an election between a

republican and federal candidate; free from personal objection; the

former would probably get every vote; I must not be understood as

placing myself in that view。  It was my destiny to come to the

government when it had for several years been committed to a

particular political sect; to the absolute and entire exclusion of

those who were in sentiment with the body of the nation。  I found the

country entirely in the enemies hands。  It was necessary to dislodge

some of them。  Out of many thousands of officers in the U。S。 9。  only

have been removed for political principle; and 12。 for delinquincies

chiefly pecuniary。  The whole herd have squealed out; as if all their

throats were cut。  These acts of justice few as they have been; have

raised great personal objections to me; of which a new character

would be '_faded_'。  When this government was first established; it

was possible to have kept it going on true principles; but the

contracted; English; half…lettered ideas of Hamilton; destroyed that

hope in the bud。  We can pay off his debt in 15。 years; but we can

never get rid of his financial system。  It mortifies me to be

strengthening principles which I deem radically vicious; but this

vice is entailed on us by the first error。  In other parts of our

government I hope we shall be able by degrees to introduce sound

principles and make them habitual。  What is practicable must often

controul what is pure theory; and the habits of the governed

determine in a great degree what is practicable。  Hence the same

original principles; modified in practice according to the different

habits of different nations; present governments of very different

aspects。  The same principles reduced to forms of practice

accommodated to our habits; and put into forms accommodated to the

habits of the French nation would present governments very unlike

each other。  I have no doubt but that a great man; thoroughly knowing

the habits of France; might so accommodate to them the principles of

free government as to enable them to live free。  But in the hands of

those who have not this coup d'oeil; many unsuccessful experiments I

fear are yet to be tried before they will settle down in freedom and

tranquility。  I applaud therefore your determination to remain here;

tho' for yourself and the adults of your family the dissimilitude of

our manners and the difference of tongue will be sources of real

unhappiness。  Yet less so than the horrors and dangers which France

would present to you; and as to those of your family still in

infancy; they will be formed to the circumstances of the country; and

will; I doubt not; be happier here than they could have been in

Europe under any circumstances。  Be so good as to make my respectful

salutations acceptable to Made。 Dupont; and all of your family and to

be assured yourself of my constant and affectionate esteem。


        _To Anne Cary; Thomas Jefferson; and

        Ellen Wayles Randolph_

        _Washington; Mar。 2; 1802_

        MY DEAR CHILDREN  I am very happy to find that two of you can

write。  I shall now expect that whenever it is inconvenient for your

papa and mama to write; one of you will write on a piece of paper

these words ‘all is well' and send it for me to the post office。  I

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