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the american republic-第33部分

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federation for union。  The failure of  confederation and the success of union are ample proofs of the  unity of the American nation。  The instinct of unity rejected  State sovereignty in 1787 as it did in 1861。  The first and the  last attempt to establish State sovereignty have failed; and the  failure vindicates the fact that the sovereignty is in the States  united; not in the States severally。



The constitution of the United States is twofold; written and  unwritten; the constitution of the people and the constitution of  the government。

The written constitution is simply a law ordained by the nation  or people instituting and organizing the government; the  unwritten constitution is the real or actual constitution of the  people as a state or sovereign community; and constituting them  such or such a state。  It is Providential; not made by the  nation; but born with it。  The written constitution is made and  ordained by the sovereign power; and presupposes that power as  already existing and constituted。

The unwritten or Providential constitution of the United States  is peculiar; and difficult to understand; because incapable of  being fully explained by analogies borrowed from any other state  historically known; or described 219                                  by political philosophers。  It  belongs to the Graeco…Roman family; and is republican as  distinguished from despotic constitutions; but it comes under the  head of neither monarchical nor aristocratic; neither democratic  nor mixed constitutions; and creates a state which is neither a  centralized state nor a confederacy。  The difficulty of  understanding it is augmented by the peculiar use under it of the  word state; which does not in the American system mean a  sovereign community or political society complete in itself; like  France; Spain; or Prussia; nor yet a political society  subordinate to another political society and dependent on it。   The American States are all sovereign States united; but;  disunited; are no States at all。  The rights and powers of the  States are not derived from the United States; nor the rights and  powers of the United States derived from the States。

The simple fact is; that the political or sovereign people of the  United States exists as united States; and only as united States。   The Union and the States are coeval; born together; and can exist  only together。  Separation is dissolutionthe death of both。   The United States are a state; a single sovereign state; but this  single sovereign state consists in the union and solidarity of  States instead of individuals。  The 220                                     Union is in each of the  States; and each of the States is in the Union。

It is necessary to distinguish in the outset between the United  States and the government of the United States; or the so…called  Federal government; which the convention refused; contrary to its  first intention to call the national government。  That government  is not a supreme national government; representing all the powers  of the United States; but a limited government; restricted by its  constitution to certain specific relations and interests。  The  United States are anterior to that government; and the first  question to be settled relates to their internal and inherent  Providential constitution as one political people or sovereign  state。  The written constitution; in its preamble; professes to  be ordained by 〃We; the people of the United States。〃  Who are  this people?  How are they constituted; or what the mode and  conditions of their political existence?  Are they the people of  the States severally?  No; for they call themselves the people of  the United States。  Are they a national people; really existing  outside and independently of their organization into distinct and  mutually independent States?  No; for they define themselves to  be the people of the United States。  If they had considered 221 themselves existing as States only; they would have said 〃We; the  States;〃 and if independently of State organization; they would  have said 〃We; the people;〃 do ordain; &c。

The key to the mystery is precisely in this appellation United  States; which is not the name of the country; for its distinctive  name is America; but a name expressive of its political  organization。  In it there are no sovereign people without  States; and no States without union; or that are not united  States。  The term united is not part of a proper name; but is  simply an adjective qualifying States; and has its full and  proper sense。  Hence while the sovereignty is and must be in the  States; it is in the States united; not in the States severally;  precisely as we have found the sovereignty of the people is in  the people collectively or as society; not in the people  individually。  The life is in the body; not in the members;  though the body could not exist if it had no members; so the  sovereignty is in the Union; not in the States severally; but  there could be no sovereign union without the States; for there  is no union where there is nothing united。

This is not a theory of the constitution; but the constitutional  fact itself。  It is the simple historical fact that precedes the  law and con… 222            stitutes the law…making power。  The people of the  United States are one people; as has already been proved: they  were one people; as far as a people at all; prior to  independence; because under the same Common Law and subject to  the same sovereign; and have been so since; for as united States  they gained their independence and took their place among  sovereign nations; and as united States they have possessed and  still possess the government。  As their existence before  independence in distinct colonies did not prevent their unity;  so their existence since in distinct States does not hinder them  from being one people。  The States severally simply continue the  colonial organizations; and united they hold the sovereignty that  was originally in the mother country。  But if one people; they  are one people existing in distinct State organizations; as  before independence they were one people existing in distinct  colonial organizations。  This is the original; the unwritten; and  Providential constitution of the people of the United States。

This constitution is not conventional; for it existed before the  people met or could meet in convention。  They have not; as an  independent sovereign people; either established their union; or  distributed themselves into distinct and mu… 223                                            tually independent  States。  The union and the distribution; the unity and the  distinction; are both original in their constitution; and they  were born United States; as much and as truly so as the son of a  citizen is born a citizen; or as every one born at all is born a  member of society; the family; the tribe; or the nation。  The  Union and the States were born together; are inseparable in their  constitution; have lived and grown up together; no serious  attempt till the late secession movement has been made to  separate them; and the secession movement; to all persons who  knew not the real constitution of the United States; appeared  sure to succeed; and in fact would have succeeded if; as the  secessionists pretended; the Union had been only a confederacy;  and the States had been held together only by a conventional  compact; and not by a real and living bond of unity。  The popular  instinct of national unity; which seemed so weak; proved to be  strong enough to defeat the secession forces; to trample out the  confederacy; and maintain the unity of the nation and the  integrity of its domain。

The people can act only as they exist; as they are; not as they  are not。  Existing originally only as distributed in distinct and  mutually independent colonies; they could at first act only 224 through their colonial organizations; and afterward only through  their State organizations。  The colonial people met in  convention; in the person of representatives chosen by colonies;  and after independence in the person of representatives chosen by  States。  Not existing outside of the colonial or State  organizations; they could not act outside or independently of  them。  They chose their representatives or delegates by colonies  or States; and called at first their convention a Congress; but  by an instinct surer than their deliberate wisdom; they called it  not the Congress of the confederate; but of the United States;  asserting constitutional unity as well as constitutional  multiplicity。  It is true; in their first attempt to organize a  general government; they called the constitution they devised  Articles of Confederation; but only because they had not attained  to full consciousness of themselves; and that they really meant  union; not confederation; is evident from their adopting; as the  official style of the nation or new power; united; not  confederate States。

That the sovereignty vested in the States united; and was  represented in some sort by the Congress; is evident from the  fact that the several States; when they wished to adopt
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