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the american republic-第32部分

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 of nature  with all the rights and powers of a sovereign nation。  But they  did not do this。  They declared and won their independence  jointly; and have since existed and exercised sovereignty only as  states united; or the United States; that is; states sovereign in  their union; but not in their separation。  This is of itself  decisive of the whole question。

But the colonists have not only never exercised the full powers  of sovereignty save as citizens of states united; therefore as  one people; but they were; so far as a people at all; one people  even before independence。  The colonies were all erected and  endowed with their rights and powers by one and the same national  authority; and the colonists were subjects of one and the same  national sovereign。  Mr。 Quincy Adams; who almost alone among our  prominent statesmen maintains the unity of 211                                            the colonial people;  adds indeed to their subjection to the same sovereign authority;  community of origin; of language; manners; customs; and law。  All  these; except the last; or common law; may exist without national  unity in the modern political sense of the term nation。  The  English common law was recognized by the colonial courts; and in  force in all the colonies; not by virtue of colonial legislation;  but by virtue of English authority; as expressed in English  jurisprudence。  The colonists were under the Common Law; because  they were Englishmen; and subjects of the English sovereign。   This proves that they were really one people with the English  people; though existing in a state of colonial dependence; and  not a separate people having nothing politically in common with  them but in the accident of having the same royal person for  their king。  The union with the mother country was national; not  personal; as was the union existing between England and Hanover;  or that still existing between the empire of Austria; formerly  Germany; and the kingdom of Hungary; and hence the British  parliament claimed; and not illegally; the right to tax the  colonies for the support of the empire; and to bind them in all  cases whatsoevera claim the colonies them… 212                                            selves admitted in  principle by recognizing and observing the British navigation  laws。  The people of the several colonies being really one people  before independence; in the sovereignty of the mother country;  must be so still; unless they have since; by some valid act;  divided themselves or been divided into separate and independent  states。

The king; say the jurists; never dies; and the heralds cry; 〃The  king is dead!  Live the king!〃 Sovereignty never lapses; is never  in abeyance; and the moment it ceases in one people it is renewed  in another。  The British sovereignty ceased in the colonies with  independence; and the American took its place。  Did the  sovereignty; which before independence was in Great Britain; pass  from Great Britain to the States severally; or to the States  united?  It might have passed to them severally; but did it?  There is no question of law or antecedent right in the case; but  a simple question of fact; and the fact is determined by  determining who it was that assumed it; exercised it; and has  continued to exercise it。  As to this there is no doubt。  The  sovereignty as a fact has been assumed and exercised by the  United States; the States united; and never by the States  separately or severally。  Then as a fact the sover… 213                                                   eignty that  before independence was in Great Britain; passed; on independence  to the States united; and reappears in all its vigor in the  United States; the only successor to Great Britain known to or  recognized by the civilized world。

As the colonial people were; though distributed in distinct  colonies; still one people; the people of the United States;  though distributed into distinct and mutually independent States;  are yet one sovereign people; therefore a sovereign state or  nation; and not a simple league or confederacy of nations。

There is no doubt that all the powers exercised by the General  Government; though embracing all foreign relations and all  general interests and relations of all the States; might have  been exercised by it under the authority of a mutual compact of  the several States; and practically the difference between the  compact theory and the national view would be very little; unless  in cases like that of secession。  On the supposition that the  American people are one political people; the government would  have the right to treat secession; in the sense in which the  seceders understand it; as rebellion; and to suppress it by  employing all the physical force at its command; but on the  compact 214         theory it would have no such right。  But the question now  under discussion turns simply on what has been and is the  historical fact。  Before the States could enter into the compact  and delegate sovereign powers to the Union; they must have  severally possessed them。  It is historically certain that they  did not possess them before independence; they did not obtain  them by independence; for they did not severally succeed to the  British sovereignty; to which they succeeded only as States  united。  When; then; and by what means did they or could they  become severally sovereign States?  The United States having  succeeded to the British sovereignty in the Anglo…American  colonies; they came into possession of full national sovereignty;  and have alone held and exercised it ever since independence  became a fact。  The States severally succeeding only to the  colonies; never held; and have never been competent to delegate  sovereign powers。

The old Articles of Confederation; it is conceded; were framed on  the assumption that the States are severally sovereign; but the  several States; at the same time; were regarded as forming one  nation; and; though divided into separate States; the people were  regarded as one people。  The Legislature of New York; as 216                                                          early as  1782; calls for an essential change In the Articles of  Confederation; as proved to be inadequate to secure the peace;  security; and prosperity of 〃the nation。〃  All the proceedings  that preceded and led to the call of the convention of 1781 were  based on the assumption that the people of the United States were  one people。  The States were called united; not confederated  States; even in the very Articles of Confederation themselves;  and officially the United States were called 〃the Union。〃  That  the united colonies by independence became united States; and  formed really one and only one people; was in the thought; the  belief; the instinct of the great mass of the people。  They acted  as they existed through State as they had previously acted  through colonial organization; for in throwing off the British  authority there was no other organization through which they  could act。  The States; or people of the States; severally sent  their delegates to the Congress of the United States; and these  delegates adopted the rule of voting in Congress by States; a  rule that might be revived without detriment to national unity。   Nothing was more natural; then; than that Congress; composed of  delegates elected or appointed by States; should draw up articles  of confederation 216                  rather than articles of union; in order; if for  no other reason; to conciliate the smaller States; and to prevent  their jealousy of the larger States such as Virginia;  Massachusetts; and Pennsylvania。

Moreover; the Articles of Confederation were drawn up and adopted  during the transition from colonial dependence to national  independence。  Independence was declared in 1776; but it was not  a fact till l782; when the preliminary treaty acknowledging it  was signed at Paris。  Till then the United States were not an  independent nation; they were only a people struggling to become  an independent nation。  Prior to that preliminary treaty; neither  the Union nor the States severally were sovereign。  The articles  were agreed on in Congress in 1777; but they were not ratified by  all the States till May; 1781; and in 1782 the movement was  commenced in the Legislature of New York for their amendment。   Till the organization under the constitution ordained by the  people of the United States in l787; and which went into  operation in 1789; the United States had in reality only a  provisional government; and it was not till then that the  national government was definitively organized; and the line of  demarcation between the General Gov… 217                                    ernment and the particular  State governments was fixed。

The Confederation was an acknowledged failure; and was rejected  by the American people; precisely because it was not in harmony  with the unwritten or Providential constitution of the nation;  and it was not in harmony with that constitution precisely  because it recognized the States as severally sovereign; and  substituted confederation for union。  The failure of  confederation and the success of union are ample proofs of th
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