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the american republic-第3部分

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sen people of God; through whom the  primitive traditions were to be preserved in their purity and  integrity; and the Messiah was to come。  The Greeks were the  chosen people of God; for the development and realization of the  beautiful or the divine splendor in art; and of the true in  science and philosophy; and the Romans; for the development of  the state; law; and jurisprudence。  The great despotic nations of  Asia were never properly nations; or if they were nations with a  mission; they proved false to it; and count for nothing in the  progressive development of the human race。  History has not  recorded their mission; and as far as they are known they have  contributed only to the abnormal development or corruption of  religion and civilization。  Despotism is barbaric and abnormal。

The United States; or the American Republic; has a mission; and  is chosen of God for the realization of a great idea。  It has  been chosen not only to continue the work assigned to Greece and  Rome; but to accomplish a greater work than was assigned to  either。  In art; it will prove false to its mission if it do not  rival Greece; and in science and philosophy; if it do not surpass  it。  In the state; in law; in jurisprudence; it must continue and  surpass Rome。  Its idea 5                         is liberty; indeed; but liberty with law;  and law with liberty。  Yet its mission is not so much the  realization of liberty as the realization of the true idea of the  state; which secures at once the authority of the public and the  freedom of the individualthe sovereignty of the people without  social despotism; and individual freedom without anarchy。  In  other words; its mission is to bring out in its life the  dialectic union of authority and liberty; of the natural rights  of man and those of society。  The Greek and Roman republics  asserted the state to the detriment of individual freedom; modern  republics either do the same; or assert individual freedom to the  detriment of the state。  The American republic has been  instituted by Providence to realize the freedom of each with  advantage to the other。

The real mission of the United States is to introduce and  establish a political constitution; which; while it retains all  the advantages of the constitutions of states thus far known; is  unlike any of them; and secures advantages which none of them did  or could possess。  The American constitution has no prototype in  any prior constitution。  The American form of government can be  classed throughout with none of the forms of government described  by Aristotle; or 6                  even by later authorities。  Aristotle knew only  four forms of government: Monarchy; Aristocracy; Democracy; and  Mixed Governments。  The American form is none of these; nor any  combination of them。  It is original; a new contribution to  political science; and seeks to attain the end of all wise and  just government by means unknown or forbidden to the ancients;  and which have been but imperfectly comprehended even by American  political writers themselves。  The originality of the American  constitution has been overlooked by the great majority even of  our own statesmen; who seek to explain it by analogies borrowed  from the constitutions of other states rather than by a profound  study of its own principles。  They have taken too low a view of  it; and have rarely; if ever; appreciated its distinctive and  peculiar merits。

As the United States have vindicated their national unity and  integrity; and are preparing to take a new start in history;  nothing is more important than that they should take that new  start with a clear and definite view of their national  constitution; and with a distinct understanding of their  political mission in the future of the world。  The citizen who  can help his countrymen to do this will render them an im… 7                                                          portant  service and deserve well of his country; though he may have been  unable to serve in her armies and defend her on the battle…field。   The work now to be done by American statesmen is even more  difficult and more delicate than that which has been accomplished  by our brave armies。  As yet the people are hardly better  prepared for the political work to be done than they were at the  outbreak of the civil war for the military work they have so  nobly achieved。  But; with time; patience; and good…will; the  difficulties may be overcome; the errors of the past corrected;  and the Government placed on the right track for the future。

It will hardly be questioned that either the constitution of the  United States is very defective or it has been very grossly  misinterpreted by all parties。  If the slave States had not held  that the States are severally sovereign; and the Constitution of  the United States a simple agreement or compact; they would never  have seceded; and if the Free States had not confounded the Union  with the General government; and shown a tendency to make it the  entire national government; no occasion or pretext for secession  would have been given。  The great problem of our statesmen has  been from the first; How to assert union without 8                                                  consolidation;  and State rights without disintegration?  Have they; as yet;  solved that problem?  The war has silenced the State sovereignty  doctrine; indeed; but has it done so without lesion to State  rights?  Has it done it without asserting the General government  as the supreme; central; or national government?  Has it done it  without striking a dangerous blow at the federal element of the  constitution?  In suppressing by armed force the doctrine that  the States are severally sovereign; what barrier is left against  consolidation?  Has not one danger been removed only to give  place to another?

But perhaps the constitution itself; if rightly understood;  solves the problem; and perhaps the problem itself is raised  precisely through misunderstanding of the constitution。  Our  statesmen have recognized no constitution of the American people  themselves; they have confined their views to the written  constitution; as if that constituted the American people a state  or nation; instead of being; as it is; only a law ordained by the  nation already existing and constituted。  Perhaps; if they had  recognized and studied the constitution which preceded that drawn  up by the Convention of 1787; and which is intrinsic; inherent in  the 9     republic itself; they would have seen that it solves the  problem; and asserts national unity without consolidation; and  the rights of the several States without danger of disintegration。   The whole controversy; possibly; has originated in a  misunderstanding of the real constitution of the United States;  and that misunderstanding itself in the misunderstanding of the  origin and constitution of government in general。  The  constitution; as will appear in the course of this essay is not  defective; and all that is necessary to guard against either  danger is to discard all our theories of the constitution; and  return and adhere to the constitution itself; as it really is and  always has been。

There is no doubt that the question of Slavery had much to do  with the rebellion; but it was not its sole cause。  The real  cause must be sought in the program that had been made;  especially in the States themselves; in forming and administering  their respective governments; as well as the General government;  in accordance with political theories borrowed from European  speculators on government; the socalled Liberals and  Revolutionists; which have and can have no legitimate application  in the United States。  The tendency of American politics; for the  last thirty or forty years; has 10                                 been; within the several States  themselves; in the direction of centralized democracy; as if the  American people had for their mission only the reproduction of  ancient Athens。  The American system is not that of any of the  simple forms of government; nor any combination of them。  The  attempt to bring it under any of the simple or mixed forms of  government recognized by political writers; is an attempt to  clothe the future in the cast…off garments of the past。  The  American system; wherever practicable; is better than monarchy;  better than aristocracy; better than simple democracy; better  than any possible combination of these several forms; because it  accords more nearly with the principles of things; the real order  of the universe。

But American statesmen have studied the constitutions of other  states more than that of their own; and have succeeded in  obscuring the American system in the minds of the people; and  giving them in its place pure and simple democracy; which is its  false development or corruption。  Under the influence of this  false development; the people were fast losing sight of the  political truth that; though the people are sovereign; it is the  organic; not the inorganic people; the territorial people; not  the people as 11               simple population; and were beginning to assert the  absolute God…given right of the majority to govern。  All the  changes
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