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the american republic-第2部分

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 surviving secession but in counting a State that has seceded as  still a State in the Union; with the right to be counted as one  of the United States in amending the Constitution。  Such State  goes out of the Union; but comes under it。

I have endeavored throughout to refer my particular political  views; to their general principles; and to show that the general  principles asserted have their origin and ground in the great;  universal; and unchanging principles of the universe itself。   Hence; I have labored to show the scientific relations of  political to theological principles; the xiii。                                          real principles of all  science; as of all reality。  An atheist; I have said; may be a  politician; but if there were no God; there could be no politics。   This may offend the sciolists of the age; but I must follow  science where it leads; and cannot be arrested by those who  mistake their darkness for light。

I write throughout as a Christian; because I am a Christian; as  a Catholic; because all Christian principles; nay; all real  principles are catholic; and there is nothing sectarian either  in nature or revelation。  I am a Catholic by God's grace and  great goodness; and must write as I am。  I could not write  otherwise if I would; and would not if I could。  I have not  obtruded my religion; and have referred to it only where my  argument demanded it; but I have had neither the weakness nor  the bad taste to seek to conceal or disguise it。  I could never  have written my book without the knowledge I have; as a Catholic;  of Catholic theology; and my acquaintance; slight as it is; with  the great fathers and doctors of the church; the great masters of  all that is solid or permanent in modern thought; either with  Catholics or non…Catholics。

Moreover; though I write for all Americans; without distinction  of sect or party; I have had more especially in view the people  of my own xiv           religious communion。  It is no discredit to a man in  the United States at the present day to be a firm; sincere; and  devout Catholic。  The old sectarian prejudice may remain with a  few; 〃whose eyes;〃 as Emerson says; 〃are in their hind…head; not  in their fore…head;〃 but the American people are not at heart  sectarian; and the nothingarianism so prevalent among them only  marks their state of transition from sectarian opinions to  positive Catholic faith。  At any rate; it can no longer be  denied that Catholics are an integral; living; and growing  element in the American population; quite too numerous; too  wealthy; and too influential to be ignored。  They have played too  conspicuous a part in the late troubles of the country; and  poured out too freely and too much of their richest and noblest  blood in defence of the unity of the nation and the integrity of  its domain; for that。  Catholics henceforth must be treated as  standing; in all respects; on a footing of equality with any  other class of American citizens; and their views of political  science; or of any other science; be counted of equal importance;  and listened to with equal attention。

I have no fears that my book will be neglected because avowedly  by a Catholic author; and from a Catholic publishing house。  They xv who are not Catholics will read it; and it will enter into the  current of American literature; if it is one they must read in  order to be up with the living and growing thought of the age。   If it is not a book of that sort; it is not worth reading by any  one。

Furthermore; I am ambitious; even in my old age; and I wish to  exert an influence on the future of my country; for which I have  made; or; rather; my family have made; some sacrifices; and which  I tenderly love。  Now; I believe that he who can exert the most  influence on our Catholic population; especially in giving tone  and direction to our Catholic youth; will exert the most  influence in forming the character and shaping the future destiny  of the American Republic。  Ambition and patriotism alike; as well  as my own Catholic faith and sympathies; induce me to address  myself primarily to Catholics。  I quarrel with none of the sects;  I honor virtue wherever I see it; and accept truth wherever I  find it; but; in my belief; no sect is destined to a long life;  or a permanent possession。  I engage in no controversy with any  one not of my religion; for; if the positive; affirmative truth  is brought out and placed in a clear light before the public;  whatever is sectarian in any of the sects will disappear as the  morning mists before the rising sun。

xvi I expect the most intelligent and satisfactory appreciation of  my book from the thinking and educated classes among Catholics;  but I speak to my countrymen at large。  I could not personally  serve my country in the field: my habits as well as my  infirmities prevented; to say nothing of my age; but I have  endeavored in this humble work to add my contribution; small  though it may be; to political science; and to discharge; as far  as I am able; my debt of loyalty and patriotism。  I would the  book were more of a book; more worthy of my countrymen; and a  more weighty proof of the love I beat them; and with which I have  written it。  All I can say is; that it is an honest book; a  sincere book; and contains my best thoughts on the subjects  treated。  If well received; I shall be grateful; if neglected; I  shall endeavor to practise resignation; as I have so often done。


ELIZABETH; N。 J。; September 16; 1865。



The ancients summed up the whole of human wisdom in the maxim;  Know Thyself; and certainly there is for an individual no more  important as there is no more difficult knowledge; than knowledge  of himself; whence he comes; whither he goes; what he is; what he  is for; what he can do; what he ought to do; and what are his  means of doing it。

Nations are only individuals on a larger scale。  They have a  life; an individuality; a reason; a conscience; and instincts of  their own; and have the same general laws of development and  growth; and; perhaps; of decay; as the individual man。  Equally  important; and no less difficult than for the individual; is it  for a nation to know itself; understand its own existence; its  own powers and faculties; rights and duties; constitution;  instincts; tendencies; and 2                            destiny。  A nation has a spiritual as  well as a material; a moral as well as a physical existence; and  is subjected to internal as well as external conditions of health  and virtue; greatness and grandeur; which it must in some measure  understand and observe; or become weak and infirm; stunted in its  growth; and end in premature decay and death。

Among nations; no one has more need of full knowledge of itself  than the United States; and no one has hitherto had less。  It has  hardly had a distinct consciousness of its own national existence;  and has lived the irreflective life of the child; with no severe  trial; till the recent rebellion; to throw it back on itself and  compel it to reflect on its own constitution; its own separate  existence; individuality; tendencies; and end。  The defection of  the slaveholding States; and the fearful struggle that has  followed for national unity and integrity; have brought it at  once to a distinct recognition of itself; and forced it to pass  from thoughtless; careless; heedless; reckless adolescence to  grave and reflecting manhood。  The nation has been suddenly  compelled to study itself; and henceforth must act from  reflection; understanding; science; statesmanship; not from  instinct; impulse; passion; or caprice; knowing well what 3                                                           it does;  and wherefore it does it。  The change which four years of civil  war have wrought in the nation is great; and is sure to give it  the seriousness; the gravity; the dignity; the manliness it has  heretofore lacked。

Though the nation has been brought to a consciousness of its own  existence; it has not; even yet; attained to a full and clear  understanding of its own national constitution。  Its vision is  still obscured by the floating mists of its earlier morning; and  its judgment rendered indistinct and indecisive by the wild  theories and fancies of its childhood。  The national mind has  been quickened; the national heart has been opened; the national  disposition prepared; but there remains the important work of  dissipating the mists that still linger; of brushing away these  wild theories and fancies; and of enabling it to form a clear  and intelligent judgment of itself; and a true and just  appreciation of its own constitution tendencies;and destiny;  or; in other words; of enabling the nation to understand its own  idea; and the means of its actualization in space and time。

Every living nation has an idea given it by Providence to  realize; and whose realization is its special work; mission; or  destiny。  Every nation is; in some sense; a chosen people of 4                                                              God。   The Jews were the chosen people of God; through whom the  primitive traditions were to be preserved in their purity and  
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