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vanity fair(名利场)-第77部分

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this young woman had got up the genteel jargon so well;
that a native could not speak it better; and it was only
from her French being so good; that you could know she
was not a born woman of fashion。
George; who had left Emmy on her bench on entering
the ball…room; very soon found his way back when
Rebecca was by her dear friend's side。  Becky was just
lecturing Mrs。 Osborne upon the follies which her
husband was committing。  〃For God's sake; stop him from
gambling; my dear;〃 she said; 〃or he will ruin himself。
He and Rawdon are playing at cards every night; and you
know he is very poor; and Rawdon will win every shilling
from him if he does not take care。  Why don't you prevent
him; you little careless creature?  Why don't you
come to us of an evening; instead of moping at home
with that Captain Dobbin?  I dare say he is tres aimable;
but how could one love a man with feet of such size?
Your husband's feet are darlingsHere he comes。  Where
have you been; wretch?  Here is Emmy crying her eyes
out for you。  Are you coming to fetch me for the quadrille?〃
And she left her bouquet and shawl by Amelia's
side; and tripped off with George to dance。  Women only
know how to wound so。  There is a poison on the tips of
their little shafts; which stings a thousand times more
than a man's blunter weapon。  Our poor Emmy; who had
never hated; never sneered all her life; was powerless in
the hands of her remorseless little enemy。
George danced with Rebecca twice or thricehow many
times Amelia scarcely knew。  She sat quite unnoticed in
her corner; except when Rawdon came up with some
words of clumsy conversation:  and later in the evening;
when Captain Dobbin made so bold as to bring her
refreshments and sit beside her。  He did not like to ask her
why she was so sad; but as a pretext for the tears which
were filling in her eyes; she told him that Mrs。 Crawley
had alarmed her by telling her that George would go on
〃It is curious; when a man is bent upon play; by what
clumsy rogues he will allow himself to be cheated;〃
Dobbin said; and Emmy said; 〃Indeed。〃 She was thinking of
something else。  It was not the loss of the money that
grieved her。
At last George came back for Rebecca's shawl and
flowers。  She was going away。  She did not even
condescend to come back and say good…bye to Amelia。  The
poor girl let her husband come and go without saying a
word; and her head fell on her breast。  Dobbin had been
called away; and was whispering deep in conversation
with the General of the division; his friend; and had not
seen this last parting。  George went away then with the
bouquet; but when he gave it to the owner; there lay a
note; coiled like a snake among the flowers。  Rebecca's
eye caught it at once。  She had been used to deal with
notes in early life。  She put out her hand and took the
nosegay。  He saw by her eyes as they met; that she was
aware what she should find there。  Her husband hurried her
away; still too intent upon his own thoughts; seemingly;
to take note of any marks of recognition which might
pass between his friend and his wife。  These were;
however; but trifling。  Rebecca gave George her hand with one
of her usual quick knowing glances; and made a curtsey
and walked away。  George bowed over the hand; said
nothing in reply to a remark of Crawley's; did not hear it
even; his brain was so throbbing with triumph and
excitement; and allowed them to go away without a word。
His wife saw the one part at least of the bouquet…scene。
It was quite natural that George should come at Rebecca's
request to get her her scarf and flowers:  it was no
more than he had done twenty times before in the course
of the last few days; but now it was too much for her。
〃William;〃 she said; suddenly clinging to Dobbin; who was
near her; 〃you've always been very kind to meI'm
I'm not well。  Take me home。〃  She did not know she called
him by his Christian name; as George was accustomed to
do。  He went away with her quickly。  Her lodgings were
hard by; and they threaded through the crowd without;
where everything seemed to be more astir than even in the
ball…room within。
George had been angry twice or thrice at finding his
wife up on his return from the parties which he
frequented:  so she went straight to bed now; but although
she did not sleep; and although the din and clatter; and
the galloping of horsemen were incessant; she never heard
any of these noises; having quite other disturbances to
keep her awake。
Osborne meanwhile; wild with elation; went off to a
play…table; and began to bet frantically。  He won repeatedly。
 〃Everything succeeds with me to…night;〃 he said。
But his luck at play even did not cure him of his restlessness;
and he started up after awhile; pocketing his winnings;
and went to a buffet; where he drank off many
bumpers of wine。
Here; as he was rattling away to the people around;
laughing loudly and wild with spirits; Dobbin found him。
He had been to the card…tables to look there for his
friend。  Dobbin looked as pale and grave as his comrade
was flushed and jovial。
''Hullo; Dob!  Come and drink; old Dob!  The Duke's
wine is famous。  Give me some more; you sir〃; and he
held out a trembling glass for the liquor。
〃Come out; George;〃 said Dobbin; still gravely; 〃don't
〃Drink!  there's nothing like it。  Drink yourself; and
light up your lantern jaws; old boy。  Here's to you。〃
Dobbin went up and whispered something to him; at
which George; giving a start and a wild hurray; tossed off
his glass; clapped it on the table; and walked away
speedily on his friend's arm。  〃The enemy has passed the
Sambre;〃 William said; 〃and our left is already engaged。
Come away。  We are to march in three hours。〃
Away went George; his nerves quivering with excitement
at the news so long looked for; so sudden when it
came。  What were love and intrigue now?  He thought
about a thousand things but these in his rapid walk to his
quartershis past life and future chancesthe fate which
might be before himthe wife; the child perhaps; from
whom unseen he might be about to part。  Oh; how he
wished that night's work undone!  and that with a clear
conscience at least he might say farewell to the tender
and guileless being by whose love he had set such little
He thought over his brief married life。  In those few
weeks he had frightfully dissipated his little capital。  How
wild and reckless he had been!  Should any mischance
befall him:  what was then left for her?  How unworthy he
was of her。  Why had he married her?  He was not fit for
marriage。  Why had he disobeyed his father; who had been
always so generous to him?  Hope; remorse; ambition;
tenderness; and selfish regret filled his heart。  He sate
down and wrote to his father; remembering what he had
said once before; when he was engaged to fight a duel。
Dawn faintly streaked the sky as he closed this farewell
letter。  He sealed it; and kissed the superscription。  He
thought how he had deserted that generous father; and of
the thousand kindnesses which the stern old man had
done him。
He had looked into Amelia's bedroom when he entered;
she lay quiet; and her eyes seemed closed; and he
was glad that she was asleep。  On arriving at his quarters
from the ball; he had found his regimental servant already
making preparations for his departure:  the man
had understood his signal to be still; and these arrangements
were very quickly and silently made。  Should he go
in and wake Amelia; he thought; or leave a note for her
brother to break the news of departure to her?  He went
in to look at her once again。
She had been awake when he first entered her room;
but had kept her eyes closed; so that even her wakefulness
should not seem to reproach him。  But when he had
returned; so soon after herself; too; this timid little heart
had felt more at ease; and turning towards him as he
stept softly out of the room; she had fallen into a light
sleep。  George came in and looked at her again; entering
still more softly。  By the pale night…lamp he could see her
sweet; pale facethe purple eyelids were fringed and
closed; and one round arm; smooth and white; lay outside
of the coverlet。  Good God!  how pure she was; how
gentle; how tender; and how friendless!  and he; how
selfish; brutal; and black with crime!  Heart…stained; and
shame…stricken; he stood at the bed's foot; and looked at
the sleeping girl。  How dared hewho was he; to pray for
one so spotless!  God bless her!  God bless her!  He came to
the bedside; and looked at the hand; the little soft hand;
lying asleep; and he bent over the pillow noiselessly
towards the gentle pale face。
Two fair arms closed tenderly round his neck as he
stooped down。  〃I am awake; George;〃 the poor child said;
with a sob fit to break the little heart that nestled so
closely by his own。  She was awake; poor soul; and to
railings and the beadle: who; if she walked ever so short
a distance to buy a ribbon in Southampton Row; was
followed by Black Sambo with an enormous cane: who
was always cared for; dressed; put to bed; and watched
over by ever so many guardian angels; with and without
wages?  Bon Dieu; I say; is it not hard that the
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