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vanity fair(名利场)-第126部分

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they dined pretty frequently at the Hall (where the cookery
was so good that it was clear Lady Jane very seldom
had a hand in it); and in return Pitt and his wife most
energetically dined out in all sorts of weather and at all
sorts of distances。  For though Pitt did not care for joviality;
being a frigid man of poor hearth and appetite; yet he
considered that to be hospitable and condescending
was quite incumbent on…his station; and every time that
he got a headache from too long an after…dinner sitting;
he felt that he was a martyr to duty。  He talked about
crops; corn…laws; politics; with the best country gentlemen。
He (who had been formerly inclined to be a sad
free…thinker on these points) entered into poaching and
game preserving with ardour。  He didn't hunt; he wasn't
a hunting man; he was a man of books and peaceful
habits; but he thought that the breed of horses must be
kept up in the country; and that the breed of foxes must
therefore be looked to; and for his part; if his friend;
Sir Huddlestone Fuddlestone; liked to draw his country
and meet as of old the F。  hounds used to do at Queen's
Crawley; he should be happy to see him there; and the
gentlemen of the Fuddlestone hunt。  And to Lady Southdown's
dismay too he became more orthodox in his tendencies
every day; gave up preaching in public and attending
meeting…houses; went stoutly to church; called
on the Bishop and all the Clergy at Winchester; and made
no objection when the Venerable Archdeacon Trumper
asked for a game of whist。  What pangs must have been
those of Lady Southdown; and what an utter castaway she
must have thought her son…in…law for permitting such
a godless diversion!  And when; on the return of the family
from an oratorio at Winchester; the Baronet announced
to the young ladies that he should next year very
probably take them to the 〃county balls;〃 they worshipped
him for his kindness。  Lady Jane was only too obedient; and
perhaps glad herself to go。  The Dowager wrote off the
direst descriptions of her daughter's worldly behaviour to
the authoress of the Washerwoman of Finchley Common
at the Cape; and her house in Brighton being about this
time unoccupied; returned to that watering…place; her
absence being not very much deplored by her children。
We may suppose; too; that Rebecca; on paying a second
visit to Queen's Crawley; did not feel particularly grieved
at the absence of the lady of the medicine chest; though
she wrote a Christmas letter to her Ladyship; in which she
respectfully recalled herself to Lady Southdown's
recollection; spoke with gratitude of the delight which her
Ladyship's conversation had given her on the former
visit; dilated on the kindness with which her Ladyship had
treated her in sickness; and declared that everything at
Queen's Crawley reminded her of her absent friend。
A great part of the altered demeanour and popularity
of Sir Pitt Crawley might have been traced to the counsels
of that astute little lady of Curzon Street。  〃You remain a
Baronetyou consent to be a mere country gentleman;〃
she said to him; while he had been her guest in London。
〃No; Sir Pitt Crawley; I know you better。  I know your
talents and your ambition。  You fancy you hide them
both; but you can conceal neither from me。  I showed
Lord Steyne your pamphlet on malt。  He was familiar
with it; and said it was in the opinion of the whole Cabinet
the most masterly thing that had appeared on the subject。
The Ministry has its eye upon you; and I know what you
want。  You want to distinguish yourself in Parliament;
every one says you are the finest speaker in England
(for your speeches at Oxford are still remembered)。  You
want to be Member for the County; where; with your own
vote and your borough at your back; you can command
anything。  And you want to be Baron Crawley of Queen's
Crawley; and will be before you die。  I saw it all。  I could
read your heart; Sir Pitt。  If I had a husband who
possessed your intellect as he does your name; I sometimes
think I should not be unworthy of himbutbut I am
your kinswoman now;〃 she added with a laugh。  〃Poor
little penniless; I have got a little interestand who
knows; perhaps the mouse may be able to aid the lion。〃
Pitt Crawley was amazed and enraptured with her
speech。  〃How that woman comprehends me!〃 he said。
〃I never could get Jane to read three pages of the malt
pamphlet。  She has no idea that I have commanding
talents or secret ambition。  So they remember my speaking
at Oxford; do they? The rascals!  Now that I represent
my borough and may sit for the county; they begin to
recollect me!  Why; Lord Steyne cut me at the levee last
year; they are beginning to find out that Pitt Crawley is
some one at last。  Yes; the man was always the same
whom these people neglected:  it was only the opportunity
that was wanting; and I will show them now that I can
speak and act as well as write。  Achilles did not declare
himself until they gave him the sword。  I hold it now; and
the world shall yet hear of Pitt Crawley。〃
Therefore it was that this roguish diplomatist has grown
so hospitable; that he was so civil to oratorios and
hospitals; so kind to Deans and Chapters; so generous in
giving and accepting dinners; so uncommonly gracious to
farmers on market…days; and so much interested about
county business; and that the Christmas at the Hall was the
gayest which had been known there for many a long day。
On Christmas Day a great family gathering took place。
All the Crawleys from the Rectory came to dine。  Rebecca
was as frank and fond of Mrs。 Bute as if the other had
never been her enemy; she was affectionately interested
in the dear girls; and surprised at the progress which they
had made in music since her time; and insisted upon
encoring one of the duets out of the great song…books
which Jim; grumbling; had been forced to bring under his
arm from the Rectory。  Mrs。 Bute; perforce; was obliged
to adopt a decent demeanour towards the little adventuress
of course being free to discourse with her daughters
afterwards about the absurd respect with which Sir Pitt
treated his sister…in…law。  But Jim; who had sat next to
her at dinner; declared she was a trump; and one and all
of the Rector's family agreed that the little Rawdon was a
fine boy。  They respected a possible baronet in the boy;
between whom and the title there was only the little
sickly pale Pitt Binkie。
The children were very good friends。  Pitt Binkie was too
little a dog for such a big dog as Rawdon to play with; and
Matilda being only a girl; of course not fit companion
for a young gentleman who was near eight years old; and
going into jackets very soon。  He took the command of
this small party at oncethe little girl and the little boy
following him about with great reverence at such times
as he condescended to sport with them。  His happiness
and pleasure in the country were extreme。  The kitchen
garden pleased him hugely; the flowers moderately; but
the pigeons and the poultry; and the stables when he
was allowed to visit them; were delightful objects to
him。  He resisted being kissed by the Misses Crawley;
but he allowed Lady Jane sometimes to embrace him; and
it was by her side that he liked to sit when; the signal
to retire to the drawing…room being given; the ladies
left the gentlemen to their claretby her side rather
than by his mother。  For Rebecca; seeing that tenderness
was the fashion; called Rawdon to her one evening and
stooped down and kissed him in the presence of all the
He looked her full in the face after the operation;
trembling and turning very red; as his wont was when
moved。  〃You never kiss me at home; Mamma;〃 he said;
at which there was a general silence and consternation and
a by no means pleasant look in Becky's eyes。
Rawdon was fond of his sister…in…law; for her regard
for his son。  Lady Jane and Becky did not get on quite so
well at this visit as on occasion of the former one; when
the Colonel's wife was bent upon pleasing。  Those two
speeches of the child struck rather a chill。  Perhaps Sir
Pitt was rather too attentive to her。
But Rawdon; as became his age and size; was fonder
of the society of the men than of the women; and never
wearied of accompanying his sire to the stables; whither
the Colonel retired to smoke his cigarJim; the Rector's
son; sometimes joining his cousin in that and other amusements。
He and the Baronet's keeper were very close
friends; their mutual taste for 〃dawgs〃 bringing them
much together。  On one day; Mr。 James; the Colonel; and
Horn; the keeper; went and shot pheasants; taking little
Rawdon with them。  On another most blissful morning;
these four gentlemen partook of the amusement of
rat…hunting in a barn; than which sport Rawdon as yet had
never seen anything more noble。  They stopped up the
ends of certain drains in the barn; into the other openings
of which ferrets were inserted; and then stood silently
aloof; with uplifted stakes in their hands; and an anxious
little terrier (Mr。 James's celebrated 〃dawg〃 Forceps;
indeed) scarcely breathing from excitement; listening
motionless on three legs; to the faint squeaking of the
rats below。  Desperately bol
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