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Whether he engages in private correspondences abroad; as the King of

Prussia did much; his grandmother sometimes; I know not; but

certainly such a correspondence would be very interesting to those

who are sincerely anxious to see mankind raised from their present

abject condition。  It delights me to find that there are persons who

still think that all is not lost in France: that their retrogradation

from a limited to an unlimited despotism; is but to give themselves a

new impulse。  But I see not how or when。  The press; the only tocsin

of a nation; is compleatly silenced there; and all means of a general

effort taken away。  However; I am willing to hope; as long as anybody

will hope with me; and I am entirely persuaded that the agitations of

the public mind advance its powers; and that at every vibration

between the points of liberty and despotism; something will be gained

for the former。  As men become better informed; their rulers must

respect them the more。  I think you will be sensible that our

citizens are fast returning; from the panic into which they were

artfully thrown to the dictates of their own reason; and I believe

the delusions they have seen themselves hurried into will be useful

as a lesson under similar attempts on them in future。  The good

effects of our late fiscal arrangements will certainly tend to unite

them in opinion; and in a confidence as to the views of their public

functionaries; legislative & executive。  The path we have to pursue

is so quiet that we have nothing scarcely to propose to our

Legislature。  A noiseless course; not meddling with the affairs of

others; unattractive of notice; is a mark that society is going on in

happiness。  If we can prevent the government from wasting the labors

of the people; under the pretence of taking care of them; they must

become happy。  Their finances are now under such a course of

application as nothing could derange but war or federalism。  The

gripe of the latter has shown itself as deadly as the jaws of the

former。  Our adversaries say we are indebted to their providence for

the means of paying the public debt。  We never charged them with the

want of foresight in providing money; but with the misapplication of

it after they have levied it。  We say they raised not only enough;

but too much; and that after giving back the surplus we do more with

a part than they did with the whole。

        Your letter of Nov 18 is also received。  The places of

midshipman are so much sought that (being limited) there is never a

vacancy。  Your son shall be set down for the 2d; which shall happen;

the 1st being anticipated。  We are not long generally without

vacancies happening。  As soon as he can be appointed you shall know

it。  I pray you to accept assurances of my great attachment and




        _To the Special Envoy to France_

        (JAMES MONROE)

        _Washington; Jan。 13; 1803_

        DEAR SIR;  I dropped you a line on the 10th informing you of

a nomination I had made of you to the Senate; and yesterday I

enclosed you their approbation not then having time to write。  The

agitation of the public mind on occasion of the late suspension of

our right of deposit at N。 Orleans is extreme。  In the western

country it is natural and grounded on honest motives。  In the

seaports it proceeds from a desire for war which increases the

mercantile lottery; in the federalists generally and especially those

of Congress the object is to force us into war if possible; in order

to derange our finances; or if this cannot be done; to attach the

western country to them; as their best friends; and thus get again

into power。  Remonstrances memorials &c。 are now circulating through

the whole of the western country and signing by the body of the

people。  The measures we have been pursuing being invisible; do not

satisfy their minds。  Something sensible therefore was become

necessary; and indeed our object of purchasing N。 Orleans and the

Floridas is a measure liable to assume so many shapes; that no

instructions could be squared to fit them; it was essential then to

send a minister extraordinary to be joined with the ordinary one;

with discretionary powers; first however well impressed with all our

views and therefore qualified to meet and modify to these every form

of proposition which could come from the other party。  This could be

done only in full and frequent oral communications。  Having

determined on this; there could not be two opinions among the

republicans as to the person。  You possess the unlimited confidence

of the administration and of the western people; and generally of the

republicans everywhere; and were you to refuse to go; no other man

can be found who does this。  The measure has already silenced the

Feds。 here。  Congress will no longer be agitated by them: and the

country will become calm as fast as the information extends over it。

All eyes; all hopes; are now fixed on you; and were you to decline;

the chagrin would be universal; and would shake under your feet the

high ground on which you stand with the public。  Indeed I know

nothing which would produce such a shock; for on the event of this

mission depends the future destinies of this republic。  If we cannot

by a purchase of the country insure to ourselves a course of

perpetual peace and friendship with all nations; then as war cannot

be distant; it behooves us immediately to be preparing for that

course; without; however; hastening it; and it may be necessary (on

your failure on the continent) to cross the channel。

        We shall get entangled in European politics; and figuring more;

be much less happy and prosperous。  This can only be prevented by a

successful issue to your present mission。  I am sensible after the

measures you have taken for getting into a different line of

business; that it will be a great sacrifice on your part; and

presents from the season and other circumstances serious

difficulties。  But some men are born for the public。  Nature by

fitting them for the service of the human race on a broad scale; has

stamped with the evidences of her destination and their duty。

        But I am particularly concerned that in the present case you

have more than one sacrifice to make。  To reform the prodigalities of

our predecessors is understood to be peculiarly our duty; and to

bring the government to a simple and economical course。  They; in

order to increase expense; debt; taxation; and patronage tried always

how much they could give。  The outfit given to ministers resident to

enable them to furnish their house; but given by no nation to a

temporary minister; who is never expected to take a house or to

entertain; but considered on a footing of a voyageur; they gave to

their extraordinary missionaries by wholesale。  In the beginning of

our administration; among other articles of reformation in expense;

it was determined not to give an outfit to missionaries

extraordinary; and not to incur the expense with any minister of

sending a frigate to carry him or bring him。  The Boston happened to

be going to the Mediterranean; and was permitted therefore to take up

Mr。 Livingstone and touch in a port of France。  A frigate was denied

to Charles Pinckney and has been refused to Mr。 King for his return。

Mr。 Madison's friendship and mine to you being so well known; the

public will have eagle eyes to watch if we grant you any indulgencies

of the general rule; and on the other hand; the example set in your

case will be more cogent on future ones; and produce greater

approbation to our conduct。  The allowance therefore will be in this

and all similar cases; all the expenses of your journey and voiage;

taking a ship's cabin to yourself; 9;000 D。 a year from your leaving

home till the proceedings of your mission are terminated; and then

the quarter's salary for the expenses of the return as prescribed by

law。  As to the time of your going you cannot too much hasten it; as

the moment in France is critical。  St。 Domingo delays their taking

possession of Louisiana; and they are in the last distress for money

for current purposes。  You should arrange your affairs for an absence

of a year at least; perhaps for a long one。  It will be necessary for

you to stay here some days on your way to New York。  You will receive

here what advance you chuse。  Accept assurances of my constant and

affectionate attachment。


        _To Benjamin Hawkins_

        _Washington; Feb。 18; 1803_


        DEAR SIR;  Mr。 Hill's return to you offers so safe a

conveyance for a letter; that I feel irresistibly disposed to write

one; tho' there is but little to write about。  You have been so long

absent from this part of the world; and the state of society so

changed in that time; that details respecting those who compose it

are no lo
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