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the american republic-第62部分

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root in their rational convictions; and  when they begin to reason they begin to doubt。  This is not the  state of things that is desirable; but it cannot be remedied  under the political regime established elsewhere than in the  United States。  In every state in the world; except the American;  the civil constitution is sophistical; and violates; more or  less; the logic of things; and; therefore; in no one of them can  the peo… 423        ple receive a thoroughly dialectic training; or an  education in strict conformity to the real order。  Hence; in them  all; the church is more or less obstructed in her operations; and  prevented from carrying out in its fulness her own Divine Idea。   She does the best she can in the circumstances and with the  materials with which she is supplied; and exerts herself  continually to bring individuals and nations into harmony with  her Divine law: but still her life in the midst of the nations is  a struggle; a warfare。

The United States being dialectically constituted; and founded on  real catholic; not sectarian or sophistical principles; presents  none of these obstacles; and must; in their progressive  development or realization of their political idea; put an end to  this warfare; in so far as a warfare between church and state;  and leave the church in her normal position in society; in which  she can; without let or hindrance; exert her free spirit; and  teach and govern men by the Divine law as free men。  She may  encounter unbelief; misbelief; ignorance; and indifference in  few; or in many; but these; deriving no support from the state;  which tends constantly to eliminate them; must gradually give way  before her invincible logic; her divine charity; the 424                                                      truth and  reality of things; and the intelligence; activity; and zeal of  her ministers。  The American people are; on the surface;  sectarians or indifferentists; but they are; in reality; less  uncatholic than the people of any other country because they are;  in their intellectual and moral development; nearer to the real  order; or; in the higher and broader sense of the word more truly  civilized。  The multitude of sects that obtain may excite  religious compassion for those who are carried away by them; for  men can be saved or attain to their eternal destiny only by  truth; or conformity to Him who said; 〃I am the way; the truth;  and the life;〃 but in relation to the national destiny they need  excite no alarm; no uneasiness; for underlying them all is more  or less of catholic truth; and the vital forces of the national  life repel them; in so far as they are sectarian and not  catholic; as substances that cannot be assimilated to the  national life。  The American state being catholic in its organic  principles; as is all real religion; and the church being free;  whatever is anticatholic; or uncatholic; is without any support  in either; and having none; either in reality or in itself; it  must necessarily fall and gradually disappear。

The sects themselves have a half unavowed 425                                           conviction that they  cannot subsist forever as sects; if unsupported by the civil  authority。  They are free; but do not feel safe in the United  States。  They know the real church is catholic; and that they  themselves are none of them catholic。  The most daring among them  even pretends to be no more than a 〃branch〃 of the catholic  church。  They know that only the catholic church can withstand  the pressure of events and survive the shocks of time; and hence  everywhere their movements to get rid of their sectarianism and  to gain a catholic character。  They hold conventions of delegates  from the whole sectarian world; form 〃unions;〃 〃alliances;〃 and  〃associations;〃 but; unhappily for their success; the catholic  church does not originate in convention; but is founded by the  Word made flesh; and sustained by the indwelling Holy Ghost。  The  most they can do; even with the best dispositions in the world;  is to create a confederation; and confederated sects are  something very different from a church inherently one and  catholic。  It is no more the catholic church than the late  Southern Confederacy was the American state。  The sectarian  combinations may do some harm; may injure many souls; and retard;  for a time; the progress of civilization; but in a state  organized in ac… 426                cordance with catholic principles; and left to  themselves; they are powerless against the national destiny; and  must soon wither and die as branches severed from the vine。

Such being the case; no sensible Catholic can imagine that the  church needs any physical force against the sects; except to  repel actual violence; and protect her in that freedom of speech  and possession which is the right of all before the state。  What  are called religious establishments are needed only where either  the state is barbarous or the religion is sectarian。  Where the  state; in its intrinsic constitution; is in accordance with  catholic principles; as in the United States; the church has all  she needs or can receive。  The state can add nothing more to her  power or her security in her moral and spiritual warfare with  sectarianism; and any attempt to give her more would only weaken  her as against the sects; place her in a false light; partially  justify their hostility to her; render effective their  declamations against her; mix her up unnecessarily with political  changes; interests; and passions; and distract the attention of  her ministers from their proper work as churchmen; and impose on  them the duties of politicians and statesmen。  Where there is  nothing in the state hostile to the church; 427                                             where she is free to  act according to her own constitution and laws; and exercise her  own discipline on her own spiritual subjects; civil enactments in  her favor or against the sects may embarrass or impede her  operations; but cannot aid her; for she can advance no farther  than she wins the heart and convinces the understanding。  A  spiritual work can; in the nature of things; be effected only by  spiritual means。  The church wants freedom in relation to the  statenothing more; for all her power comes immediately from  God; without any intervention or mediation of the state。

The United States; constituted in accordance with the real order  of things; and founded on principles which have their origin and  ground in the principles on which the church herself is founded;  can never establish any one of the sects as the religion of the  state; for that would violate their political constitution; and  array all the other sects; as well as the church herself; against  the government。  They cannot be called upon to establish the  church by law; because she is already in their constitution as  far as the state has in itself any relation with religion; and  because to establish her in any other sense would be to make her  one of the civil institutions of the; 428                                       land; and to bring her  under the control of the state; which were equally against her  interest and her nature。

The religious mission of the United States is not then to  establish the church by external law; or to protect her by legal  disabilities; pains; and penalties against the sects; however  uncatholic they may be; but to maintain catholic freedom; neither  absorbing the state in the church nor the church in the state;  but leaving each to move freely; according to its own nature; in  the sphere assigned it in the eternal order of things。  Their  mission separates church and state as external governing bodies;  but unites them in the interior principles from which each  derives its vitality and force。  Their union is in the intrinsic  unity of principle; and in the fact that; though moving in  different spheres; each obeys one and the same Divine law。  With  this the Catholic; who knows what Catholicity means; is of course  satisfied; for it gives the church all the advantage over the  sects of the real over the unreal; and with this the sects have  no right to be dissatisfied; for it subjects them to no  disadvantage not inherent in sectarianism itself in presence of  Catholicity; and without any support from the civil authority。

The effect of this mission of our country fully 429                                                 realized; would  be to harmonize church and state; religion and politics; not by  absorbing either in the other; or by obliterating the natural  distinction between them; but by conforming both to the real or  Divine order; which is supreme and immutable。  It places the two  powers in their normal relation; which has hitherto never been  done; because hitherto there never has been a state normally  constituted。  The nearest approach made to the realization of the  proper relations of church and state; prior to the birth of the  American Republic; was in the Roman Empire under the Christian  emperors; but the state had been perverted by paganism; and the  emperors; inheriting the old pontifical power; could never be  made to understand their own incompetency in spirituals; and  persisted
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