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the american republic-第57部分

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 state  is its gentlemen; or persons not disposed or not fitted to  support themselves by their own hands; more necessary in a  democratic government than in any other。  The civil 387                                                     service;  divinity; law; and medicine; together with literature; science;  and art; cannot absorb the whole of this ever…increasing class;  and the army and navy would be an economy and a real service to  the state were they maintained only for the sake of the rank and  position they give to their officers; and the wholesome influence  these officers would exert on society and the politics of the  countrythis even in case there were no wars or apprehension of  wars。  They supply an element needed in all society; to sustain  in it the chivalric and heroic spirit; perpetually endangered by  the mercantile and political spirit; which has in it always  something low and sordid。

But wars are inevitable; and when a nation has no surrounding  nations to fight; it will; as we have just proved; fight itself。   When it can have no foreign war; it will get up a domestic war;  for the human animal; like all animals; must work off in some way  its fighting humor; and the only sure way of maintaining peace is  always to be prepared for war。  A regular standing army of forty  thousand men would have prevented the Mexican war; and an army of  fifty thousand well…disciplined and efficient troops at the  command of the President on his inauguration in March; 1861;  would have pre… 388               vented the rebellion; or have instantly suppressed  it。  The cost of maintaining a land army of even a hundred  thousand men; and a naval force to correspond; would have been;  in simple money value; only a tithe of what the rebellion has  cost the nation; to say nothing of the valuable lives that have  been sacrificed for the losses on the rebel side; as well as  those on the side of the government; are equally to be counted。   The actual losses to the country have been not less than six or  eight thousand millions of dollars; or nearly one…half the  assessed value of the whole property of the United States  according to the census returns of 1860; and which has only been  partially cancelled by actual increase of property since。  To  meet the interest on the debt incurred will require a heavier sum  to be raised annually by taxation; twice over; without  discharging a cent of the principal; than would have been  necessary to maintain an army and navy adequate to the protection  of peace and the prevention of the rebellion。

The rebellion is now suppressed; and if the government does not  blunder much more in its civil efforts at pacification than it  did in its military operations; before 1868 things will settle  down into their normal order; but a regular armynot militia or  volunteers; who are  389                     too expensiveof at least a hundred thousand  men of all arms; and a navy nearly as large as that of England or  France; will be needed as a peace establishment。  The army of a  hundred thousand men must form a cadre of an army of three times  that number; which will be necessary to place the army on a war  footing。  Less will answer neither for peace nor war; for the  nation has; in spite of herself; to maintain henceforth the rank  of a first…class military and maritime power; and take a leading  part in political movements of the civilized world; and; to a  great extent; hold in her hand the peace of Europe。

Canning boasted that be had raised up the New World to redress  the balance of the Old: a vain boast; for he simply weakened  Spain and gave the hegemony of Europe to Russia; which the  Emperor of the French is trying; by strengthening Italy and  Spain; and by a French protectorate in Mexico; to secure to  France; both in the Old World and the Newa magnificent dream;  but not to be realized。  His uncle judged more wisely when he  sold Louisiana; left the New World to itself; and sought only to  secure to France the hegemony of the Old。  But the hegemony of  the New World henceforth belongs to the United States; and she  will have 390           a potent voice in adjusting the balance of power even  in Europe。  To maintain this position; which is imperative on  her; she must always have a large armed force; either on foot or  in reserve; which she can call out and put on a war footing at  short notice。  The United States must henceforth be a great  military and naval power; and the old hostility to a standing  army and the old attempt to bring the military into disrepute  must be abandoned; and the country yield to its destiny。

Of the several tendencies mentioned; the humanitarian tendency;  egoistical at the South; detaching the individual from the race  and socialistic at the North; absorbing the individual in the  race; is the most dangerous。  The egoistical form is checked;  sufficiently weakened by the defeat of the rebels; but the social  form believes that it has triumphed; and that individuals are  effaced in society; and the States in the Union。  Against this;  more especially should public opinion and American statesmanship  be now directed; and territorial democracy and the division of  the powers of government be asserted and vigorously maintained。   The danger is that while this socialistic form of democracy is  conscious of itself; the territorial democracy has not yet  arrived; as the Germans 391                         say; at self  consciousnessselbsbewusstseynand operates only instinctively。   All the dominant theories and sentimentalities are against it;  and it is only Providence that can sustain it。



It has been said in the Introduction to this essay that every  living nation receives from Providence a special work or mission  in the progress of society; to accomplish which is its destiny;  or the end for which it exists; and that the special mission of  the United States is to continue and complete in the political  order the Graeco…Roman civilization。

Of all the states or colonies on this continent; the American  Republic alone has a destiny; or the ability to add any thing to  the civilization of the race。  Canada and the other British  Provinces; Mexico and Central America; Columbia and Brazil; and  the rest of the South American States; might be absorbed in the  United States without being missed by the civilized world。  They  represent no idea; and the work of civilization could go on  without them as well as with them。  If they keep up with the  progress of civilization; it is all that can be expected of them。   France; England; Germany; and Italy might absorb the rest of  Europe; and 393             all Asia and Africa; without withdrawing a single  laborer from the work of advancing the civilization of the race;  and it is doubtful if these nations themselves can severally or  jointly advance it much beyond the point reached by the Roman  Empire; except in abolishing slavery and including in the  political people the whole territorial people。  They can only  develop and give a general application to the fundamental  principles of the Roman constitution。  That indeed is much; but  it adds no new element nor new combination of preexisting  elements。  But nothing of this can be said of the United States。

In the Graeco…Roman civilization is found the state proper; and  the great principle of the territorial constitution of power;  instead of the personal or the genealogical; the patriarchal or  the monarchical; and yet with true civil or political principles  it mixed up nearly all the elements of the barbaric constitution。   The gentile system of Rome recalls the patriarchal; and the  relation that subsisted between the patron and his clients has a  striking resemblance to that which subsists between the feudal  lord and his retainers; and may have had the same origin。  The  three tribes; Ramnes; Quirites; and Luceres; into which the Roman 394 people were divided before the rise of the plebs; may have been;  as Niebuhr contends; local; not genealogical; in their origin;  but they were not strictly territorial distinctions; and the  division of each tribe into a hundred houses or gentes was not  local; but personal; if not; as the name implies; genealogical。   No doubt the individuals or families composing the house or gens  were not all of kindred blood; for the Oriental custom of  adoption; so frequent with our North American Indians; and with  all people distributed into tribes; septs; or clans; obtained  with the Romans。  The adopted member was considered a child of  the house; and took its name and inherited its goods。  Whether;  as Niebuhr maintains; all the free gentiles of the three tribes  were called patres or patricians or whether the term was  restricted to the heads of houses; it is certain that the head of  the house represented it in the senate; and the vote in the  curies was by houses; not by individuals en masse。  After all;  practically the Roman senate was hardly less an estate than the  English house of lords; for no one could sit in it unless a  landed proprietor and of noble blood。  The plebs; though outside  of the political people proper; as not being included in the  three trib
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