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the american republic-第47部分

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The rebellion being really territorial; and not personal; the  State that seceded was no more continued in the loyal than in the  disloyal population。  While the war lasted; both were public  enemies of the United States; and neither had or could have any  rights as a State in the Union。  The law recognizes a solidarity  of all the citizens of a State; and assumes that; when a State is  at war; all its citizens are at war; whether approving the war or  not。  The loyal people in the States that seceded incurred none  of the pains and penalties of treason; but they retained none of  the political rights of the 317                             State in the Union; and; in  reorganizing the State after the suppression of the rebellion;  they have no more right to take part than the secessionists  themselves。  They; as well as the secessionists; have followed  the territory。  It was on this point that the government  committed its gravest mistake。  As to the reorganization or  reconstruction of the State; the whole territorial people stood  on the same footing。

Taking the decision of the Supreme Court as conclusive on the  subject; the rebellion was territorial; and; therefore; placed  all the States as States out of the Union; and retained them only  as population and territory; under or subject to the Union。  The  States ceased to exist; that is; as integral elements of the  national sovereignty。  The question then occurred; are they to be  erected into new States; or are they to be reconstructed and  restored to the Union as the identical old States that seceded?   Shall their identity be revived and preserved; or shall they be  new States; regardless of that identity ?  There can be no  question that the work to be done was that of restoration; not of  creation; no tribe should perish from Israel; no star be struck  from the firmament of the Union。  Every inhabitant of the fallen  States; and every citi… 318                       zen of the United States must desire them  to be revived and continued with their old names and boundaries;  and all true Americans wish to continue the constitution as it  is; and the Union as it was。  Who would see old Virginia; the  Virginia of revolutionary fame; of Washington; Jefferson;  Madison; of Monroe; the 〃Old Dominion;〃 once the leading State of  the Union; dead without hope of resurrection? or South Carolina;  the land of Rutledge; Moultrie; Laurens; Hayne; Sumter; and  Marion?  There is something grating to him who values State  associations; and would encourage State emulation and State  pride; in the mutilation of the Old Dominion and the erection  within her borders of the new State called West Virginia。  States  in the Union are not mere prefectures; or mere dependencies on  the General government; created for the convenience of  administration。  They have an individual; a real existence of  their own; as much so as have the individual members of society。   They are free members; not of a confederation indeed; but of a  higher political community; and reconstruction should restore the  identity of their individual life; suspended for a moment by  secession; but capable of resuscitation。

These States had become; indeed; for a mo… 319                                          ment; territory under  the Union; but in no instance had they or could they become  territory that had never existed as States。  The fact that the  territory and people had existed as a State; could with regard to  none of them be obliterated; and; therefore; they could not be  erected into absolutely new States。  The process of  reconstructing them could not be the same as that of creating new  States。  In creating a new State; Congress; ex necessitate;  because there is no other power except the national convention  competent to do it; defines the boundaries of the new State; and  prescribes the electoral people; or who may take part in the  preliminary organization but in reconstructing States it does  neither; for both are done by a law Congress is not competent to  abrogate or modify; and which can be done only by the United  States in convention assembled; or by the State itself after its  restoration。  The government has conceded this; and; in part; has  acted on it。  It preserves; except in Virginia; the old  boundaries; and recognizes; or rather professes to recognize the  old electoral law; only it claims the right to exclude from the  electoral people those who have voluntarily taken part in the  rebellion。

The work to be done in States that have se… 320                                           ceded is that of  reconstruction; not creation; and this work is not and cannot be  done; exclusively nor chiefly by the General government; either  by the Executive or by Congress。  That government can appoint  military; or even provisional governors; who may designate the  time and place of holding the convention of the electoral people  of the disorganized State; as also the time and place of holding  the elections of delegates to it; and superintend the elections  so far as to see the polls are opened; and that none but  qualified electors vote; but nothing more。  All the rest is the  work of the territorial electoral people themselves; for the  State within its own sphere must; as one of the United States; be  a self…governing community。  The General government may concede  or withhold permission to the disorganized State to reorganize;  as it judges advisable; but it cannot itself reorganize it。  If it  concedes the permission; it must leave the whole electoral people  under the preexisting electoral law free to take part in the work  of reorganization; and to vote according to their own judgment。   It has no authority to purge the electoral people; and say who  may or may not vote; for the whole question of suffrage and the  qualifications of electors is left to the State; and can be  settled neither 321                 by an act of Congress nor by an Executive  proclamation。

If the government theory were admissible; that the disorganized  States remain States in the Union; the General government could  have nothing to say on the subject; and could no more interfere  with elections in any one of them than it could with elections in  Massachusetts or New York。  But even on the doctrine here  defended it can interfere with them only by way of general  superintendence。  The citizens have; indeed; lost their political  rights; but not their private rights。  Secession has not  dissolved civil society; or abrogated any of the laws of the  disorganized State that were in force at the time of secession。   The error of the government is not in maintaining that these laws  survive the secession ordinances; and remain the territorial law;  or lex loci; but in maintaining that they do so by will of the  State; that has; as a State; really lapsed。  They do so by will  of the United States; which enacted them through the individual  State; and which has not in convention abrogated them; save the  law authorizing slavery; and its dependent laws。

This point has already been made; but as it is one of the  niceties of the American constitution; it may not be amiss to  elaborate it at 322                 greater length。  The doctrine of Mr。 Jefferson;  Mr。 Madison; and the majority of our jurists; would see to be  that the States; under God; are severally sovereign in all  matters not expressly confided to the General government; and  therefore that the American sovereignty is divided; and the  citizen owes a double allegianceallegiance to his State; and  allegiance to the United Statesas if there was a United States  distinguishable from the States。  Hence Mr。 Seward; in an  official dispatch to our minister at the court of St。 James;  says: 〃The citizen owes allegiance to the State and to the United  States。〃  And nearly all who hold allegiance is due to the Union  at all; hold that it is also due to the States; only that which  is due to the United States is paramount; as that under feudalism  due to the overlord。  But this is not the case。  There is no  divided sovereignty; no divided allegiance。  Sovereignty is one;  and vests not in the General government or in the State  government; but in the United States; and allegiance is due to  the United States; and to them alone。  Treason can be committed  only against the United States; and against a State only because  against the United States; and is properly cognizable only by the  Federal courts。  Hence the Union men committed no treason in 323 refusing to submit to the secession ordinances of their  respective States; and in sustaining the national arms against  secession。

There are two very common mistakes: the one that the States  individually possess all the powers not delegated to the General  government; and the other that the Union; or United States; have  only delegated powers。  But the United States possess all the  powers of a sovereign state; and the States individually and the  General government possess only such powers as the United States  in convention delegate to them respectively。  The sovereign is  neither the General government nor the States severally; but the  United States in convention。  The United States are the one  indivisible sovereign; 
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