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the lost continent(消失的大陆)-第30部分

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traitor to my country; I was acclaimed a hero。                It was good to get back 

again;   good   to   witness   the   kindly   treatment   that   was   accorded   my   dear 

Victory; and when I learned that Delcarte and Taylor had been found at the 

mouth   of   the   Rhine   and   were   already  back   in Pan…America   my   joy   was 


     And   now   we   are   going   back;   Victory   and   I;   with   the   men   and   the 

munitions and power to reclaim England for her queen。 Again I shall cross 

thirty; but under what altered conditions! 

     A new epoch for Europe is inaugurated; with enlightened China on the 

east    and   enlightened     Pan…America       on  the   west   the   two   great   peace 

powers   whom   God   has   preserved   to   regenerate   chastened   and   forgiven 

Europe。      I   have   been   through   muchI   have   suffered   much;   but   I   have 

won   two   great   laurel   wreaths   beyond   thirty。     One   is   the   opportunity   to 

rescue   Europe   from   barbarism;   the   other   is   a   little   barbarian;   and   the 

greater of these isVictory。 


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