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the notch on the ax and on being found out-第47部分

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nearer; soon reconciled me to the disaster。  It was a little
farmhouse surrounded with about twenty acres of vineyard; about as
much corn; and close to the house on one side was a potagerie of an
acre and a half; full of everything which could make plenty in a
French peasant's house; and on the other side was a little wood
which furnished wherewithal to dress it。  It was about eight in the
evening when I got to the house; so I left the postilion to manage
his point as he could; and for mine I walked directly into the

The family consisted of an old gray…headed man and his wife; with
five or six sons and sons…in…laws; and their several wives; and a
joyous genealogy out of them。

They were all sitting down together to their lentil soup。  A large
wheaten loaf was in the middle of the table; and a flagon of wine
at each end of it promised joy through the stages of the repast
'twas a feast of love。

The old man rose up to meet me; and with a respectful cordiality
would have me sit down at the table。  My heart was sat down the
moment I entered the room; so I sat down at once like a son of the
family; and to invest myself in the character as speedily as I
could; I instantly borrowed the old man's knife; and taking up the
loaf cut myself a hearty luncheon; and; as I did it; I saw a
testimony in every eye; not only of an honest welcome; but of a
welcome mixed with thanks that I had not seemed to doubt it。

Was it this; or tell me; Nature; what else it was that made this
morsel so sweet; and to what magic I owe it that the draught I took
of their flagon was so delicious with it that they remain upon my
palate to this hour?

If the supper was to my taste; the grace which followed it was much
more so。

When supper was over; the old man gave a knock upon the table with
the haft of his knife to bid them prepare for the dance。  The
moment the signal was given; the women and girls ran all together
into a back apartment to tie up their hair; and the young men to
the door to wash their faces and change their sabots; and in three
minutes every soul was ready upon a little esplanade before the
house to begin。  The old man and his wife came out last; and;
placing me betwixt them; sat down upon a sofa of turf by the door。

The old man had some fifty years ago been no mean performer upon
the vielle;* and at the age he was then of; touched well enough for
the purpose。  His wife sung now and then a little to the tune; then
intermitted; and joined her old man again; as their children and
grandchildren danced before them。

* A small violin; such as was used by the wandering jongleurs of
the Middle Ages。EDITOR。

It was not till the middle of the second dance when; from some
pauses in the movement wherein they all seemed to look up; I
fancied I could distinguish an elevation of spirit different from
that which is the cause or the effect of simple jollity。  In a
word; I thought I beheld RELIGION mixing in the dance; but; as I
had never seen her so engaged; I should have looked upon it now as
one of the illusions of an imagination; which is eternally
misleading me; had not the old man; as soon as the dance ended;
said that this was their constant way; and that all his life long
he had made it a rule; after supper was over; to call out his
family to dance and rejoice; believing; he said; that a cheerful
and contented mind was the best sort of thanks to heaven that an
illiterate peasant could pay

〃Or a learned prelate either;〃 said I。

When you have gained the top of Mount Taurira; you run presently
down to Lyons。  Adieu then to all rapid movements!  It is a journey
of caution; and it fares better with sentiments not to be in a
hurry with them; so I contracted with a volturin to take his time
with a couple of mules and convey me in my own chaise safe to Turin
through Savoy。

Poor; patient; quiet; honest people; fear not!  Your poverty; the
treasury of your simple virtues; will not be envied you by the
world; nor will your values be invaded by it。  Nature; in the midst
of thy disorders; thou art still friendly to the scantiness thou
hast created; with all thy great works about thee little hast thou
left to give; either to the scythe or to the sickle; but to that
little thou grantest safety and protection; and sweet are the
dwellings which stand so sheltered!

William Makepeace Thackeray

On Being Found Out

At the close (let us say) of Queen Anne's reign; when I was a boy
at a private and preparatory school for young gentlemen; I remember
the wiseacre of a master ordering us all; one night; to march into
a little garden at the back of the house; and thence to proceed one
by one into a tool or hen house (I was but a tender little thing
just put into short clothes; and can't exactly say whether the
house was for tools or hens); and in that house to put our hands
into a sack which stood on a bench; a candle burning beside it。  I
put my hand into the sack。  My hand came out quite black。  I went
and joined the other boys in the schoolroom; and all their hands
were black too。

By reason of my tender age (and there are some critics who; I hope;
will be satisfied by my acknowledging that I am a hundred and
fifty…six next birthday) I could not understand what was the
meaning of this night excursionthis candle; this tool house; this
bag of soot。  I think we little boys were taken out of our sleep to
be brought to the ordeal。  We came; then; and showed our little
hands to the master; washed them or notmost probably; I should
say; notand so went bewildered back to bed。

Something had been stolen in the school that day; and Mr。 Wiseacre
having read in a book of an ingenious method of finding out a thief
by making him put his hand into a sack (which; if guilty; the rogue
would shirk from doing); all we boys were subjected to the trial。
Goodness knows what the lost object was; or who stole it。  We all
had black hands to show the master。  And the thief; whoever he was;
was not Found Out that time。

I wonder if the rascal is alivean elderly scoundrel he must be by
this time; and a hoary old hypocrite; to whom an old schoolfellow
presents his kindest regardsparenthetically remarking what a
dreadful place that private school was; cold; chilblains; bad
dinners; not enough victuals; and caning awful!Are you alive
still; I say; you nameless villain; who escaped discovery on that
day of crime?  I hope you have escaped often since; old sinner。
Ah; what a lucky thing it is; for you and me; my man; that we are
NOT found out in all our peccadilloes; and that our backs can slip
away from the master and the cane!

Just consider what life would be; if every rogue was found out; and
flogged coram populo!  What a butchery; what an indecency; what an
endless swishing of the rod!  Don't cry out about my misanthropy。
My good friend Mealymouth; I will trouble you to tell me; do you go
to church?  When there; do you say; or do you not; that you are a
miserable sinner; and saying so do you believe or disbelieve it?
If you are a M。 S。; don't you deserve correction; and aren't you
grateful if you are to be let off?  I say again what a blessed
thing it is that we are not all found out!

Just picture to yourself everybody who does wrong being found out;
and punished accordingly。  Fancy all the boys in all the school
being whipped; and then the assistants; and then the headmaster
(Dr。 Badford let us call him)。  Fancy the provost marshal being
tied up; having previously superintended the correction of the
whole army。  After the young gentlemen have had their turn for the
faulty exercises; fancy Dr。 Lincolnsinn being taken up for certain
faults in HIS Essay and Review。  After the clergyman has cried his
peccavi; suppose we hoist up a bishop; and give him a couple of
dozen!  (I see my Lord Bishop of Double…Gloucester sitting in a
very uneasy posture on his right reverend bench。)  After we have
cast off the bishop; what are we to say to the Minister who
appointed him?  My Lord Cinqwarden; it is painful to have to use
personal correction to a boy of your age; but really 。 。 。 Siste
tandem carnifex!  The butchery is too horrible。  The hand drops
powerless; appalled at the quantity of birch which it must cut and
brandish。  I am glad we are not all found out; I say again; and
protest; my dear brethren; against our having our deserts。

To fancy all men found out and punished is bad enough; but imagine
all the women found out in the distinguished social circle in which
you and I have the honor to move。  Is it not a mercy that a many of
these fair criminals remain unpunished and undiscovered!  There is
Mrs。 Longbow; who is forever practicing; and who shoots poisoned
arrows; too; when you meet her you don't call her liar; and charge
her with the wickedness she has done and is doing。  There is Mrs。
Painter; who passes for a most respectable woman; and a model in
society。  There is no use in saying what you really know regarding
her and her goings on。  There is Diana Hunterwhat a little
haughty prude it is; and yet WE know stories about her which are
not altogether edifying。  I say it is best for the sake of the
good; that the bad should no
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