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the notch on the ax and on being found out-第11部分

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is that the supernatural is the impossible; and that what is called
supernatural is only a something in the laws of Nature of which we
have been hitherto ignorant。  Therefore; if a ghost rise before me;
I have not the right to say; 〃So; then; the supernatural is
possible;〃 but rather; 〃So; then; the apparition of a ghost is;
contrary to received opinion; within the laws of Nature;that is;
not supernatural。〃

Now; in all that I had hitherto witnessed; and indeed in all the
wonders which the amateurs of mystery in our age record as facts; a
material living agency is always required。  On the Continent you
will find still magicians who assert that they can raise spirits。
Assume for the moment that they assert truly; still the living
material form of the magician is present; and he is the material
agency by which; from some constitutional peculiarities; certain
strange phenomena are represented to your natural senses。

Accept; again; as truthful; the tales of spirit manifestation in
America;musical or other sounds; writings on paper; produced by
no discernible hand; articles of furniture moved without apparent
human agency; or the actual sight and touch of hands; to which no
bodies seem to belong;still there must be found the MEDIUM; or
living being; with constitutional peculiarities capable of
obtaining these signs。  In fine; in all such marvels; supposing
even that there is no imposture; there must be a human being like
ourselves by whom; or through whom; the effects presented to human
beings are produced。  It is so with the now familiar phenomena of
mesmerism or electro…biology; the mind of the person operated on is
affected through a material living agent。  Nor; supposing it true
that a mesmerized patient can respond to the will or passes of a
mesmerizer a hundred miles distant; is the response less occasioned
by a material being; it may be through a material fluidcall it
Electric; call it Odic; call it what you willwhich has the power
of traversing space and passing obstacles; that the material effect
is communicated from one to the other。  Hence; all that I had
hitherto witnessed; or expected to witness; in this strange house;
I believed to be occasioned through some agency or medium as mortal
as myself; and this idea necessarily prevented the awe with which
those who regard as supernatural things that are not within the
ordinary operations of Nature; might have been impressed by the
adventures of that memorable night。

As; then; it was my conjecture that all that was presented; or
would be presented to my senses; must originate in some human being
gifted by constitution with the power so to present them; and
having some motive so to do; I felt an interest in my theory which;
in its way; was rather philosophical than superstitious。  And I can
sincerely say that I was in as tranquil a temper for observation as
any practical experimentalist could be in awaiting the effects of
some rare; though perhaps perilous; chemical combination。  Of
course; the more I kept my mind detached from fancy; the more the
temper fitted for observation would be obtained; and I therefore
riveted eye and thought on the strong daylight sense in the page of
my Macaulay。

I now became aware that something interposed between the page and
the light;the page was overshadowed。  I looked up; and I saw what
I shall find it very difficult; perhaps impossible; to describe。

It was a Darkness shaping itself forth from the air in very
undefined outline。  I cannot say it was of a human form; and yet it
had more resemblance to a human form; or rather shadow; than to
anything else。  As it stood; wholly apart and distinct from the air
and the light around it; its dimensions seemed gigantic; the summit
nearly touching the ceiling。  While I gazed; a feeling of intense
cold seized me。  An iceberg before me could not more have chilled
me; nor could the cold of an iceberg have been more purely
physical。  I feel convinced that it was not the cold caused by
fear。  As I continued to gaze; I thoughtbut this I cannot say
with precisionthat I distinguished two eyes looking down on me
from the height。  One moment I fancied that I distinguished them
clearly; the next they seemed gone; but still two rays of a pale…
blue light frequently shot through the darkness; as from the height
on which I half believed; half doubted; that I had encountered the

I strove to speak;my voice utterly failed me; I could only think
to myself; 〃Is this fear?  It is NOT fear!〃  I strove to rise;in
vain; I felt as if weighed down by an irresistible force。  Indeed;
my impression was that of an immense and overwhelming Power opposed
to my volition;that sense of utter inadequacy to cope with a
force beyond man's; which one may feel PHYSICALLY in a storm at
sea; in a conflagration; or when confronting some terrible wild
beast; or rather; perhaps; the shark of the ocean; I felt MORALLY。
Opposed to my will was another will; as far superior to its
strength as storm; fire; and shark are superior in material force
to the force of man。

And now; as this impression grew on me;now came; at last; horror;
horror to a degree that no words can convey。  Still I retained
pride; if not courage; and in my own mind I said; 〃This is horror;
but it is not fear; unless I fear I cannot be harmed; my reason
rejects this thing; it is an illusion;I do not fear。〃  With a
violent effort I succeeded at last in stretching out my hand toward
the weapon on the table; as I did so; on the arm and shoulder I
received a strange shock; and my arm fell to my side powerless。
And now; to add to my horror; the light began slowly to wane from
the candles;they were not; as it were; extinguished; but their
flame seemed very gradually withdrawn; it was the same with the
fire;the light was extracted from the fuel; in a few minutes the
room was in utter darkness。  The dread that came over me; to be
thus in the dark with that dark Thing; whose power was so intensely
felt; brought a reaction of nerve。  In fact; terror had reached
that climax; that either my senses must have deserted me; or I must
have burst through the spell。  I did burst through it。  I found
voice; though the voice was a shriek。  I remember that I broke
forth with words like these; 〃I do not fear; my soul does not
fear〃; and at the same time I found strength to rise。  Still in
that profound gloom I rushed to one of the windows; tore aside the
curtain; flung open the shutters; my first thought wasLIGHT。  And
when I saw the moon high; clear; and calm; I felt a joy that almost
compensated for the previous terror。  There was the moon; there was
also the light from the gas lamps in the deserted slumberous
street。  I turned to look back into the room; the moon penetrated
its shadow very palely and partiallybut still there was light。
The dark Thing; whatever it might be; was gone;except that I
could yet see a dim shadow; which seemed the shadow of that shade;
against the opposite wall。

My eye now rested on the table; and from under the table (which was
without cloth or cover;an old mahogany round table) there rose a
hand; visible as far as the wrist。  It was a hand; seemingly; as
much of flesh and blood as my own; but the hand of an aged person;
lean; wrinkled; small too;a woman's hand。  That hand very softly
closed on the two letters that lay on the table; hand and letters
both vanished。  There then came the same three loud; measured
knocks I had heard at the bed head before this extraordinary drama
had commenced。

As those sounds slowly ceased; I felt the whole room vibrate
sensibly; and at the far end there rose; as from the floor; sparks
or globules like bubbles of light; many colored;green; yellow;
fire…red; azure。  Up and down; to and fro; hither; thither as tiny
Will…o'…the…Wisps; the sparks moved; slow or swift; each at its own
caprice。  A chair (as in the drawing…room below) was now advanced
from the wall without apparent agency; and placed at the opposite
side of the table。  Suddenly; as forth from the chair; there grew a
shape;a woman's shape。  It was distinct as a shape of life;
ghastly as a shape of death。  The face was that of youth; with a
strange; mournful beauty; the throat and shoulders were bare; the
rest of the form in a loose robe of cloudy white。  It began
sleeking its long; yellow hair; which fell over its shoulders; its
eyes were not turned toward me; but to the door; it seemed
listening; watching; waiting。  The shadow of the shade in the
background grew darker; and again I thought I beheld the eyes
gleaming out from the summit of the shadow;eyes fixed upon that

As if from the door; though it did not open; there grew out another
shape; equally distinct; equally ghastly;a man's shape; a young
man's。  It was in the dress of the last century; or rather in a
likeness of such dress (for both the male shape and the female;
though defined; were evidently unsubstantial; impalpable;
simulacra; phantasms); and there was something incongruous;
grotesque; yet fearful; in the contrast between the elaborate
finery; the courtly precision of that old…fashioned garb; with its
ruffles and lace and buckles; and the corpselike aspect
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