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the portygee-第23部分

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get up; perhaps we can get down。〃

〃Get DOWN?〃

〃Yes; it isn't all as steep as it is here。  I believe we might sort
of zig…zag down if we were careful。  You hold on here just as you
are; I'm going to see what it looks like around this next point。〃

The 〃point〃 was merely a projection of the bluff about twenty feet
away。  He crawfished along the face of the slope; until he could
see beyond it。  Helen kept urging him to be carefuloh; be

〃Of course I'll be careful;〃 he said curtly。  〃I don't want to
break my neck。  Yesyes; by George; it IS easier around there!  We
could get down a good way。  Here; here; don't start until you take
my hand。  And be sure your feet are braced before you move。  Come
on; now。〃

〃II don't believe I can。〃

〃Of course you can。  You've GOT to。  Come on。  Don't look down。
Look at the sand right in front of you。〃

Getting around that point was a decidedly ticklish operation; but
they managed it; he leading the way; making sure of his foothold
before moving and then setting her foot in the print his own had
made。  On the other side of the projection the slope was less
abrupt and extended much nearer to the ground below。  They
zigzagged down until nearly to the edge of the steep drop。  Then
Albert looked about for a new path to safety。  He found it still
farther on。

〃It takes us down farther;〃 he said; 〃and there are bushes to hold
on to after we get there。  Come on; Helen!  Brace up now; be a

She was trying her best to obey orders; but being a sport was no
slight undertaking under the circumstances。  When they reached the
clump of bushes her guide ordered her to rest。

〃Just stop and catch your breath;〃 he said。  〃The rest is going to
be easier; I think。  And we haven't so very far to go。〃

He was too optimistic。  It was anything but easy; in fact; the last
thirty feet was almost a tumble; owing to the clay giving way
beneath their feet。  But there was soft sand to tumble into and
they reached the beach safe; though in a dishevelled; scratched and
thoroughly smeared condition。  Then Helen sat down and covered her
face with her hands。  Her rescuer gazed triumphantly up at the
distant rim of broken sod and grinned。

〃There; by George!〃 he exclaimed。  〃We did it; didn't we?  Say;
that was fun!〃

She removed her hands and looked at him。

〃WHAT did you say it was?〃 she faltered。

〃I said it was fun。  It was great!  Like something out of a book;

She began to laugh hysterically。  He turned to her in indignant
surprise。  〃What are you laughing at?〃 he demanded。

〃Ohoh; don't; please!  Just let me laugh。  If I don't laugh I
shall cry; and I don't want to do that。  Just don't talk to me for
a few minutes; that's all。〃

When the few minutes were over she rose to her feet。

〃Now we must get back to the pavilion; I suppose;〃 she said。  〃My;
but we are sights; though!  Do let's see if we can't make ourselves
a little more presentable。〃

She did her best to wipe off the thickest of the clay smears with
her handkerchief; but the experiment was rather a failure。  As they
started to walk back along the beach she suddenly turned to him and

〃I haven't told you howhow much obliged I am forfor what you
did。  If you hadn't come; I don't know what would have happened to

〃Oh; that's all right;〃 he answered lightly。  He was reveling in
the dramatic qualities of the situation。  She did not speak again
for some time and he; too; walked on in silence enjoying his day
dream。  Suddenly he became aware that she was looking at him
steadily and with an odd expression on her face。

〃What is it?〃 he asked。  〃Why do you look at me that way?〃

Her answer was; as usual; direct and frank。

〃I was thinking about you;〃 she said。  〃I was thinking that I must
have been mistaken; partly mistaken; at least。〃

〃Mistaken?  About me; do you mean?〃

〃Yes; I had made up my mind that you werewell; one sort of
fellow; and now I see that you are an entirely different sort。
That is; you've shown that you can be different。〃

〃What on earth do you mean by that?〃

〃Why; I meanI mean  Oh; I'm sure I had better not say it。  You
won't like it; and will think I had better mind my own affairs
which I should do; of course。〃

〃Go on; say it。〃

She looked at him again; evidently deliberating whether or not to
speak her thought。  Then she said:

〃Well; I will say it。  Not that it is really my business; but
because in a way it is begging your pardon; and I ought to do that。
You see; I had begun to believe that you werethat you werewell;
that you were not veryvery active; you know。〃

〃Active?  Say; look here; Helen!  What〃

〃Oh; I don't wonder you don't understand。  I mean that you were
ratherrather fond of not doing muchofof〃

〃Eh?  Not doing much?  That I was lazy; do you mean?〃

〃Why; not exactly lazy; perhaps; butbut  Oh; how CAN I say just
what I mean!  I mean that you were always saying that you didn't
like the work in your grandfather's office。〃

〃Which I don't。〃

〃And that some day you were going to do something else。〃

Which I am。〃

〃Write or act or do something〃

〃Yes; and that's true; too。〃

〃But you don't; you know。  You don't do anything。  You've been
talking that way ever since I knew you; calling this a one…horse
town and saying how you hated it; and that you weren't going to
waste your life here; and all that; but you keep staying here and
doing just the same things。  The last long talk we had together you
told me you knew you could write poems and plays and all sorts of
things; you just felt that you could。  You were going to begin
right away。  You said that some months ago; and you haven't done
any writing at all。  Now; have you?〃

〃No…o。  No; but that doesn't mean I shan't by and by。〃

〃But you didn't begin as you said you would。  That was last spring;
more than a year ago; and I don't believe you have tried to write a
single poem。  Have you?〃

He was beginning to be ruffled。  It was quite unusual for any one;
most of all for a girl; to talk to him in this way。

〃I don't know that I have;〃 he said loftily。  〃And; anyway; I don't
see that it isis〃

〃My business whether you have or not。  I know it isn't。  I'm sorry
I spoke。  But; you see; I  Oh; well; never mind。  And I do want
you to know how much I appreciate your helping me as you did just
now。  I don't know how to thank you for that。〃

But thanks were not exactly what he wanted at that moment。

〃Go ahead and say the rest;〃 he ordered; after a short pause。
〃You've said so much that you had better finish it; seems to me。
I'm lazy; you think。  What else am I?〃

〃You're brave; awfully brave; and you are so strong and quickyes;
andandmasterful; I think that is the right word。  You ordered
me about as if I were a little girl。  I didn't want to keep still;
as you told me to; I wanted to scream。  And I wanted to faint; too;
but you wouldn't let me。  I had never seen you that way before。  I
didn't know you could be like that。  That is what surprises me so。
That is why I said you were so different。〃

Here was balm for wounded pride。  Albert's chin lifted。  〃Oh; that
was nothing;〃 he said。  〃Whatever had to be done must be done right
off; I could see that。  You couldn't hang on where you were very

She shuddered。  〃No;〃 she replied; 〃I could not。  But _I_ couldn't
think WHAT to do; and you could。  Yes; and did it; and made me do

The chin lifted still more and the Speranza chest began to expand。
Helen's next remark was in the natures of a reducer for the said

〃If you could be so prompt and strong andand energetic then;〃 she
said; 〃I can't help wondering why you aren't like that all the
time。  I had begun to think you were justjust〃

〃Lazy; eh?〃 he suggested。

〃Whywhy; no…o; but careless and indifferent and with not much
ambition; certainly。  You had talked so much about writing and yet
you never tried to write anything; thatthat〃

〃That you thought I was all bluff。  Thanks!  Any more compliments?〃

She turned on him impulsively。  〃Oh; don't!〃 she exclaimed。
〃Please don't!  I know what I am saying sounds perfectly horrid;
and especially now when you have just saved me from being badly
hurt; if not killed。  But don't you see thatthat I am saying it
because I am interested in you and sure you COULD do so much if you
only would?  If you would only try。〃

This speech was a compound of sweet and bitter。  Albert
characteristically selected the sweet。

〃Helen;〃 he asked; in his most confidential tone; 〃would you like
to have me try and write something?  Say; would you?〃

〃Of course I would。  Oh; will you?〃

〃Well; if YOU asked me I might。  For your sake; you know。〃

She stopped and stamped her foot impatiently。

〃Oh; DON'T be silly!〃 she exclaimed。  〃I don't want you to do it
for my sake。  I want you to do it for your own sake。  Yes; and for
your grandfather's sake。〃

〃My grandfather's sake!  Great Scott; why do you drag him in?  HE
doesn't want me to write poetry。〃

〃He wants you to do something; to succeed。  I know that。〃

〃He wants me to stay here and help Labe Keeler and Issy Price。  He
wants me to spend all my life in that office of his; t
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