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the metal monster-第10部分

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Something not of this world we knowand yet of it as the winds of the Cosmos are to the summer breeze; the ocean to the wave; the lightnings to the glowworm。

〃She isn'thuman;〃 I heard Ventnor whispering at my ear。 〃Look at her eyes; look at the skin of her〃

Her skin was white as milk of pearls; gossamer fine; silken and creamy; translucent as though a soft brilliancy dwelt within it。 Beside it Ruth's fair skin was like some sun…and…wind…roughened country lass's to Titania's。

She studied us as though she were seeing for the first time beings of her own kind。 She spokeand her voice was elfin distant; chimingly sweet like hidden little golden bells; filled with that tranquil; far off spirit that was part of her as though indeed a tiny golden chime should ring out from the silences; speak for them; find tongues for them。 The words were hesitating; halting as though the lips that uttered them found speech strangeas strange as the clear eyes found our images。

And the words were Persianpurest; most ancient Persian。

〃I am Norhala;〃 the golden voice chimed forth; whispered down into silence。 〃I am Norhala。〃

She shook her head impatiently。 A hand stole forth from beneath her veils; slender; long…fingered with nails like rosy pearls; above the wrist was coiled a golden dragon with wicked little crimson eyes。 The slender white hand touched Ruth's head; turned it until the strange; flecked orbs looked directly into the misty ones of blue。

Long they gazedand deep。 Then she who had named herself Norhala thrust out a finger; touched the tear that hung upon Ruth's curled lashes; regarded it wonderingly。

Something of recognition; of memory; seemed to awaken within her。

〃You aretroubled?〃 she asked with that halting effort。

Ruth shook her head。

〃THEYdo not trouble you?〃

She pointed to the huddled heaps strewing the hollow。 And then I saw whence the light which had streamed from her great eyes came。 For the little azure and golden stars paled; trembled; then flashed out like galaxies of tiny; clustered silver suns。

From that weird radiance Ruth shrank; affrighted。

〃Nono;〃 she gasped。 〃I weep forHIM。〃

She pointed where Chiu…Ming lay; a brown blotch at the edge of the shattered men。

〃Forhim?〃 There was puzzlement in the faint voice。 〃Forthat? But why?〃

She looked at Chiu…Mingand I knew that to her the sight of the crumpled form carried no recognition of the human; nothing of kin to her。 There was a faint wonder in her eyes; no longer light…filled; when at last she turned back to us。 Long she considered us。

〃Now;〃 she broke the silence; 〃now something stirs within me that it seems has long been sleeping。 It bids me take you with me。 Come!〃

Abruptly she turned from us; glided to the crevice。 We looked at each other; seeking council; decision。

〃Chiu…Ming;〃 Drake spoke。 〃We can't leave him like that。 At least let's cover him from the vultures。〃

〃Come。〃 The woman had reached the mouth of the fissure。

〃I'm afraid! Oh; MartinI'm afraid。〃 Ruth reached little trembling hands to her tall brother。

〃Come!〃 Norhala called again。 There was an echo of harshness; a clanging; peremptory and inexorable; in the chiming。

Ventnor shrugged his shoulders。

〃Come; then;〃 he said。

With one last look at the Chinese; the lammergeiers already circling about him; we walked to the crevice。 Norhala waited; silent; brooding until we passed her; then glided behind us。

Before we had gone ten paces I saw that the place was no fissure。 It was a tunnel; a passage hewn by human hands; its walls covered with the writhing dragon lines; its roof the mountain。

The swathed woman swept by us。 Swiftly we followed her。 Far; far ahead was a wan gleaming。 It quivered; a faintly shimmering; ghostly curtain; a full mile away。

Now it was close; we passed through it and were out of the tunnel。 Before us stretched a narrow gorge; a sword slash in the body of the towering giant under whose feet the tunnel crept。 High above was the ribbon of the sky。

The sides were dark; but it came to me that here were no trees; no verdure of any kind。 Its floor was strewn with boulders; fantastically shaped; almost indistinguishable in the fast closing dark。

Twin monoliths bulwarked the passage end; the gigantic stones were leaning; crumbling。 Fissures radiated from the opening; like deep wrinkles in the rock; showing where earth warping; range pressure; had long been working to close this hewn way。

〃Stop;〃 Norhala's abrupt; golden note halted us; and again through the clear eyes I saw the white starshine flash。

〃It may be well〃 She spoke as though to herself。 〃It may be well to close this way。 It is not needed〃

Her voice rang out again; vibrant; strangely disquieting; harmonious。 Murmurous chanting it was at first; rhythmic and low; ripples and flutings; tones and progressions utterly unknown to me; unfamiliar; abrupt; and alien themes that kept returning; droppings of crystal…clear jewels of sound; golden tollingsand all ordered; mathematical; GEOMETRIC; even as had been the gestures of the shapes; Lilliputians of the ruins; Brobdignagian of the haunted hollow。


There was a movement down by the tunnel mouth。 It grew more rapid; seemed to vibrate with her song。 Within the darkness there were little flashes; glimmerings of light began to come and golike little awakenings of eyes of soft; jeweled flames; like giant gorgeous fireflies; flashes of cloudy amber; gleam of rose; sparkles of diamonds and of opals; of emeralds and of rubiesblinking; gleaming。

A shimmering mist drew down around thema swift and swirling mist。 It thickened; was shot with slender shuttled threads like cobweb; coruscating strands of light。

The shining threads grew thicker; pulsed; were spangled with tiny vivid sparklings。 They ran together; condensed and all this in an instant; in a tenth of the time it takes me to write it。

From fiery mist and gemmed flashes came bolt upon bolt of lightning。 The cliff face leaped out; a cataract of green flame。 The fissures widened; the monoliths trembled; fell。

In the wake of that dazzling brilliancy came utter blackness。 I opened my blinded eyes; slowly the flecks of green fire cleared。 A faint lambency still clung to the cliff。 By it I saw that the tunnel's mouth had vanished; had been sealedwhere it had gaped were only tons of shattered rock。

Came a rushing past us as of great bodies; something grazed my hand; something whose touch was like that of warm metalbut metal throbbing with life。 They rushed byand whispered down into silence。

〃Come!〃 Norhala flitted ahead of us; a faintly luminous shape in the darkness。 Swiftly we followed。 I found Ruth beside me; felt her hand grip my wrist。

〃Walter;〃 she whispered; 〃Waltershe isn't human!〃

〃Nonsense;〃 I muttered。 〃Nonsense; Ruth。 What do you think she isa goddess; a spirit of the Himalayas? She's as human as you or I。〃

〃No。〃 Even in the darkness I could sense the stubborn shake of her curly head。 〃Not all human。 Or how could she have commanded those things? Or have summoned the lightnings that blasted the tunnel's mouth? And her skin and hairthey're too WONDERFUL; Walter。

〃Why; she makes me looklook coarse。 And the light that hovers about herwhy; it is by that light we are making our way。 And when she touched meII glowed all through。

〃Human; yesbut there is something else in hersomething stronger than humanness; something thatmakes it sleep!〃 she added astonishingly。

The ground was level as a dancing floor。 We followed the enigmatic glowemanation; it seemed to mefrom Norhala which was as a light for us to follow within the darkness。 The high ribbon of sky had vanishedseemed to be overcast; for I could see no stars。

Within the darkness I began again to sense faint movement; soft stirring all about us。 I had the feeling that on each side and behind us moved an invisible host。

〃There's something moving all about usgoing with us;〃 Ruth echoed my thought。

〃It's the wind;〃 I said; and pausedfor there was no wind。

From the blackness before us came a succession of curious; muffled clickings; like a smothered mitrailleuse。 The luminescence that clothed Norhala brightened; deepening the darkness。


She pointed into the void ahead; then; as we started forward; thrust out a hand to Ruth; held her back。 Drake and Ventnor drew close to them; questioningly; anxious。 But I stepped forward; out of the dim gleaming。

Before me were two cubes; one I judged in that uncertain light to be six feet high; the other half its bulk。 From them a shaft of pale…blue phosphorescence pierced the murk。 They stood; the smaller pressed against the side of the larger; for all the world like a pair of immense nursery blocks; placed like steps by some giant child。

As my eyes swept over them; I saw that the shining shaft was an unbroken span of cubes; not multi…arched like the Lilliputian bridge of the dragon chamber; but flat and running out over an abyss that gaped at my very feet。 All of a hundred feet they stretched; a slender; lustrous girder crossing unguessed depths of gloom。 From far; far below came the faint whisper of rushing waters。

I faltered。 For these were the b
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