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 And then his anger exploded。
 Heat of rage from the magic surged through him as the sword; came free; sweeping in an arc at the shadows。 The ones caught by the blade flared into nothingness; the smoke of their form spinning; as if caught in a vortex of wind; before ing apart with a howl。 More came at him。 The sword flashed through them; and still more came; as if there were no end to their numbers。 As he cut them down on one side; the ones on the other side would reach for him; the pain of their near touch burning into him before he turned with the sword。 Richard wondered for an instant what it would feel like if they were able to finally touch him; if he would feel the pain or simply be dead in that moment。 He stepped away from the wall; slashing with the sword as he did so。 He took another step forward; cutting furiously as he moved; the blade whistling as he swung it。
 Richard stood; feet dug in; destroying the shadows as fast as they came。 His arms ached; his back hurt; his head ;pounded。 Sweat poured from his face。 He was exhausted。 With nowhere to run; he was forced to stand his ground; but he knew he couldn't keep this up forever。 Screams and howls filled the night air as the shadows seemed to fall eagerly on his sword。 A knot of them rushed forward; forcing him back again before he could slash through them。 Again the dark wall came up at his back。 Black forms on the other side of it reached for him while giving out agonizing cries。 Too many shadows were ing at once to allow him to step away from the wall; it was all he could do to hold where he was。 Pain from the reaching hands was wearing him down。 He knew that if they came at him fast enough and in enough numbers; he would be pushed through the wall; into the underworld。 He fought on numbly; endlessly。
 Anger was giving way to panic。 The muscles of his arms burned with the effort of swinging the sword。 It seemed the shadows' intent was simply to wear him down with their numbers。 He realized that he had been right not to use the sword before; that it would bring them to harm。 But there had been no choice。 He had to use it to save them。
 But there was no 〃them;〃 he realized; Kahlan was nowhere to be found。 It was only him。 Swinging the sword; he wondered if it had been like this for her; if the shadows had seduced her with their whispers; and touched her; forced her into the wall。 She had no sword to protect her; that was what he had said he would do。 Fury erupted in him anew。 The thought of Kahlan being taken by the shadows; by the underworld; brought the rage roaring forth again; the magic of the Sword of Truth rising to the summons。 Richard cut through the shadows with renewed vengeance。 Hatred; flaming into white…hot need; took him ahead through the forms; swinging the sword faster than they could e forward to meet it。 So he went to them。 Howls of their end joined in a mass cry of anguish。 Richard's wrath at what they had done to Kahlan drove him forward in a frenzy of violence。
 Without his realizing it at first; the shadows had stopped moving and instead hovered as Richard continued down the path between the walls; slashing at them。 For a time; they made no attempt to avoid his blade; but simply floated in place。 Then they began to glide; like trailers of smoke in a near still air。 They drifted into the walls of the boundary; losing their green glow as they went through to bee the dark things on the other side。 At last; Richard came to a panting halt; his arms throbbing with weariness。
 That was what they were; not shadow people; but the things from the other side of the boundary wall; the things that had been escaping and taking people; just as they had tried to take him。
 Just as they had taken Kahlan。
 A pain from deep inside welled up; and tears came to his eyes
 〃Kahlan;〃 he whispered into the cool morning air。
 His heart ached with wrenching agony。 She was gone; and it had been his fault; he had let down his guard; he had let her down; had not protected her。 How could it have happened so fast? So easily? Adie had warned him; warned him that they would call to him。 Why hadn't he been more cautious? Why hadn't he paid more attention to her warning? Over and over in his mind he imagined her fear; her confusion at why he wasn't there with her; her pleading for him to help her。 Her pain。 Her death。 Desperately; his mind raced as he cried; trying to make time go backward; to do it again differently; to ignore the voices; to keep hold of her hand; to save her。 Tears ran down his face as he let the tip of the sword lower and drag on the ground; too tired to put it away as he walked forward in a daze。 Rubble of the slide was at an end。 The green light faded and was gone as he stepped into the woods and onto the trail。
 Someone whispered his name; a man's voice。 He stopped and looked back。
 Richard's father stood in the light of the boundary。
 〃Son;〃 his father whispered; 〃let me help you。〃
 Richard stared woodenly at him。 Morning lit the overcast; washing everything in a wet gray light。 The only color was the glowing green around his father; who held his hands open。
 〃You can't help me;〃 Richard whispered back hoarsely。
 〃Yes; I can。 She is with us。 She is safe now。〃。
 Richard took a few steps toward his father。 〃Safe?〃
 〃Yes; she is safe。 e; I will take you to her。〃
 Richard took a few more steps; dragging the tip of the sword on the ground behind。 Tears ran down his cheeks。 His chest heaved。 〃You could really take me to her?〃
 〃Yes; son;〃 his father said softly。 〃e。 She waits for you。 I will take you to her。〃
 Richard walked numbly toward his father。 〃And I can be with her? Forever?〃
 〃Forever;〃 came the answer in the reassuring; familiar voice。
 Richard trudged back into the green light; to his father; who smiled warmly at him。
 When he reached him; Richard brought the Sword of Truth up; and ran it through his father's heart。 Wide…eyed; his father looked up at him as he was impaled。
 〃How many times; dear father;〃 Richard asked through tears and gritted teeth; 〃must I slay your shade?〃
 His father only shimmered and then dissolved into the dim morning air。
 Bitter satisfaction replaced the anger; then it; too; was gone as he turned once again to the path。 Tears ran in streaks through the dirt and sweat on his face。 He wiped 。them on his shirtsleeve as he swallowed back the lump in his throat。 Woods enveloped him indifferently as he rejoined the trail。
 Laboriously; Richard slid his sword home; into its scabbard。 When he did so; he noticed the light from the night stone shining through his pocket; it still being just dark enough to cause it to glow weakly。 He stopped and took the smooth stone out once more and replaced it in its leather pouch; quenching the dim yellow light。
 His face set in grim determination; Richard slogged ahead; his fingers reaching up to touch the tooth under his shirt。 Loneliness; deeper than he had never known; sagged his shoulders。 All his friends were lost to him。 He knew now that his life was not his own。 It belonged to his duty; to his task。 He was the Seeker。 Nothing more。 Nothing less。 Not his own man; but a pawn to be used by others。 A tool; same as his sword; to help others; that they might have the life he had only glimpsed for a twinkling。
 He was no different from the dark things in the boundary。 A bringer of death。
 And he knew quite clearly who he was going to bring it to。
 The Master sat straight…backed and cross…legged on the grass in front of the sleeping boy; his hands resting palm up on his knees; a smile on his lips; as he thought about what had happened with Confessor Kahlan at the boundary。 Morning sunlight streamed crossways through the windows overhead; making the colors of the garden flowers vibrant。 Slowly; he brought the fingers of his right hand to his lips; licking the tips and then smoothing his eyebrows before carefully returning the hand to its; resting place。 Thoughts of what he would do to the Mother Confessor had caused his breathing to quicken。 He slowed it now; returning his mind to the matter at hand。 His fingers wriggled; and Carl's eyes popped open。
 〃Good morning; my son。 Good to see you again;〃 he said in his most friendly voice。 The smile; though for another reason; was still on his lips。
 Carl blinked and squinted at the brightness of the light。 〃Good morning;〃 he said in a groan。 Then; his eyes looking about; thought to add; 〃Father Rahl。〃
 〃You slept well;〃 Rahl assured the boy。
 〃You were here? Here all night?〃  。。
 〃All night。 As I promised you I would be。 I would not lie to you; Carl。〃
 Carl smiled。 〃Thanks。〃 He lowered his eyes shyly。 〃I guess I was kind of silly to be scared。〃
 〃I don't think it's silly at all。 I am glad I could be here to reassure you。〃
 〃My father says I'm being foolish when I get afraid of the dark。〃
 〃There are things in the dark that can get you;〃 Rahl said solemnly。 〃You are wise to know it; and to be on guard for them。 Your father… would do himself a favor to listen; and learn from you。〃
 Carl brightened。 〃Really?〃 
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