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 had told him。
 Out of the clearness of his mind; a thought came to him。 Richard brought the horse to a skidding halt。 He looked off down the right road。 He thought about it a minute; then pulled the reins to the right; urging the animal on; down the right…hand road。
 Darken Rahl had told him he was free to go where he pleased
 He had even let him have a horse so he might go where he wished。 Maybe Darken Rahl wouldn't mind if Richard borrowed his dragon。
 Letting the horse pick its own way; he watched carefully all about; resting his hand on the hilt of the sword。 Surely a red dragon wouldn't be hard to spot。 There was no sound but the horse's hooves on the hard ground。 Richard didn't know how far it was; and rode for a long time among the rubble of boulders on the canyon floor。 He began to worry that the dragon was gone; that maybe Rahl himself was riding it somewhere。 Maybe to get the box。 He didn't know if his present course was a good idea; but it was the only idea he could think of。
 A blinding burst of fire erupted with a deafening roar。 The horse reared。 Richard leapt off; landed on his feet; and scrambled behind a boulder as the air was filled with flying stones and fire。 Shards of rock ricocheted past his head。 He heard the horse thud to the ground and smelled burnt hair。 It screamed a terrible neigh until there was a snapping of bones。 Richard crouched tighter against the rock; afraid to look。
 As he listened to the periodic roar of fire; the breaking of bones; the ripping of flesh; Richard decided that this had been a very stupid idea。 He could hardly believe the dragon was so well hidden that he hadn't even seen it。 He wondered if it had seen him dive behind the boulder。 At least for the moment; it didn't seem so。 He searched about for a way to escape; but the terrain was too open to run without being seen。 The sound of the horse being eaten made his stomach turn。 At last it ended。 He wondered if dragons took naps after they ate。 'There were a few snorts。 The snorts came closer。 Richard tried to make himself smaller。
 Talons rasped over the boulder he was hiding behind and lifted it right off the ground; tossing it aside。 Richard looked up into piercing yellow eyes: Almost everything else was an intense red。 The head; with flexible black…tipped spikes around the base of the jaw and on the back of its skull behind the ears; was at the end of a long; thick neck rising from an immense body。 The sinewy tail terminated in black…tipped spikes; like the ones on the head; only stiff and hard。 The tail swished idly; pushing rocks aside。 As it flexed its wings; powerful muscles rippled beneath the glossy; red interlocking scales on its shoulders。 Razor…sharp teeth; stained red from its recent meal; sprouted just inside the snarling lips and lined the long muzzle。 The beast snorted。 Smoke rose from nostrils at the end of the tapered snout。
 〃What have we here?〃 came a decidedly female voice。 〃A tasty treat?〃
 Richard sprang to his feet and drew the sword; sending its ring into the air。
 〃I need your help。〃
 〃Only too glad to help you; little man。 But not until after I eat you。;;
 'I'm warning you; stay back! This sword has magic。〃
 〃Magic!〃 the dragon gasped in mock fright。 It put a claw to its breast。 〃Oh; please; brave man; don't slay me with your magic sword!〃 It made a smoky rumble that Richard took for laughter。
 Richard kept the sword out; but felt suddenly foolish。 〃You intend to eat me; than?〃
 〃Well; I must admit; more for the amusement than the taste。〃
 〃I had heard red dragons were an independent sort; but that you are little more than a lapdog to Darken Rahl。〃 A ball of flame boiled from the mouth; rising into the air。 〃I thought you might like to be free of your bonds; and be independent once more。〃
 The head; bigger than he; Richard was frightened to note; came closer; to within a few yards。 Its ears swiveled forward。 A glossy red tongue; split at the end like a snake's; slithered out toward him; making a curious investigation。 Richard held the sword out of the way as the tongue raked up his body from his crotch to his throat。 It was a gentle touch; for a dragon; yet it knocked him back a few steps。
 〃And how would a little man like you be able to do that?〃
 〃I'm trying to stop Darken Rahl; kill him。 If you helped me; then you would be free。〃
 The dragon threw its head up; smoke puffing from its nostrils as it rumbled in laughter。 The ground shook。 It looked down at him; blinked; then threw its head back again; rumbling in laughter once more。
 The rumbling died out and the head returned; the eyebrows bunching up in an angry frown。 〃I don't think so。 I don't think I would like to put my fate in a little man like you。 I would rather put my future in continuing to serve Master Rahl。〃 It made a grunt; blowing small clouds of dust away to the sides at Richard's feet。 〃The entertainment is over。 Time for my tasty treat。〃
 〃All right。 I'm prepared to die。〃 Richard had to think of a stall; to give himself time to think。 Why would a red dragon be at the service of Darken Rahl? 〃But before you eat me; may I tell you something first?〃
 〃Speak;〃 the dragon snorted。 〃But make it short。〃
 〃I'm from Westland。 I've never seen a dragon before。 I always thought they would be fearsome creatures; and I must admit; you certainly are fearsome; but there is one thing I wasn't prepared for。〃
 〃And what would that be?〃 ;;
 〃You are; without a doubt; the most stunningly beautiful creature I have ever seen。〃
 It was the truth。 Despite the deadly nature of it; it was strikingly beautiful。 The neck of the dragon made itself into an S shape as it pulled its head back; blinking in surprise。 The eyes frowned a little; doubting。
 〃It's true;〃 Richard said。 〃I'm to be eaten。 I have no reason to lie。 You are beautiful。 I never thought I would see anything as magnificent as you。 Do you have a name?〃
 〃Scarlet。 What a lovely name。 Are all red dragons as stunning as you; or are you special?〃
 Scarlet put a claw to her breast。 〃That would not be for me to say。〃 The head snaked its way toward him again。 〃I have never had a man I was about to eat tell me such a thing。〃
 An idea began forming in Richard's mind。 He put the sword back in its scabbard。 〃Scarlet; I know a creature as proud as you would not be at the beck of anyone; much less one as demanding as Darken Rahl; unless there was terrible need。 You are too beautiful and noble a creature for that。〃
 Scarlet's head floated closer。 〃Why would you say such things to me?〃
 〃Because I believe in the truth。 I think you do too。〃
 〃What is your name?〃
 〃Richard Cypher。 I am the Seeker。〃 Scarlet put a black…tipped talon to her teeth。 〃Seeker。〃 She frowned。 〃I don't believe I've ever eaten a Seeker before。〃 A strange; dragon's smile crossed her lips。 〃It will be a treat。 Our talk is over; Richard Cypher。 Thank you for the pliment。〃 The head floated closer; the lips pulling back in a snarl。
 〃Darken Rahl stole your egg; didn't he?〃
 Scarlet pulled back。 She blinked at him; then threw her head back; jaws wide。 An earsplitting roar made the scales on her throat vibrate。 Fire shot skyward in a booming blast。 The sound echoed off the cliff walls; causing little rock slides。
 Scarlet's head whipped back to him; smoke rising from the nostrils。 〃What do you know about that!〃
 〃I know that a proud creature such as you would not subject herself to such demeaning duties; except for one reason。 To protect something important。 Like her。 young。〃
 〃So you know。 That will not save you;〃 she snarled。
 〃I also know where Darken Rahl is keeping your egg。〃
 〃Where!〃 Richard had to dive to the side to avoid the flames。 〃Tell me where it is!〃
 〃I thought you wanted to eat me now。〃
 One 'eye came close。 〃Someone should teach you not to be flippant;〃 she rumbled。
 〃Sorry; Scarlet。 It's a bad habit that has brought me to grief in the past。 Look; if I help you get your egg back; then Rahl would have no hold on you。 If I could do that; would it be worth helping me?〃
 〃Helping you how?〃
 〃Well; you fly Rahl around。 That's what I need。 I need you to fly me around for a few days; help me look for some friends of mine; so I can protect them from Rahl。 I need to be able to cover a lot of ground; search a lot of area。 I think if I could do it from the sky; like a bird; I could find them; and have enough time to stop Rahl。〃
 〃I don't like flying men about。 It's humiliating。〃
 〃Six days from now; it will all be over; one way or another。 It you help me; that's all I would need。 After that; it won't matter; one way or the other。 How long will you have to serve Rahl if you don't help me?〃 〃All right。 Tell me where my egg is; and I will let you go。 Let you live。〃
 〃How would you know I was telling the truth? I could just invent a place; to save myself。〃
 〃Like dragons; real Seekers have honor。 That much I know。 So; if you really know; tell me and I will free you。〃
 〃No!〃 Scarlet roared。 〃What do you mean ‘No'?〃
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