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und of it buzzing in her ear made her cry and scream as she dug with her finger; trying to get it out。 She thrashed her arms as she yelled。
 Rachel screamed in a high pitch as she stumbled out of the wayward pine; wiping flies off her eyes。 She ran; arms lashing out; trying to get the flies away。 The flies followed her as she ran and screamed。
 Something in front of her made her stop dead in her tracks。
 Her wide eyes worked their way up the giant; fur…covered body of the thing。 Its belly was pink; and had flies on it。
 Against the fading colors of the sky; it slowly unfolded huge wings; spreading them wide。 Not wings covered with feathers; wings covered with skin。 Rachel could see big blood veins in them; throbbing。
 With all her courage; she put her shaking hand in her pocket。 The fire stick wasn't there。 Her legs wouldn't move。 She didn't even feel the flies that were biting her。 She heard a sound like a cat purring; but a lot louder。 Her eyes went up further。
 Glowing green eyes glared down at her。 The purring sound was a low growl。
 The mouth opened with a louder growl; lips pulling back; showing its long; curved teeth。
 Rachel couldn't run。 She couldn't move。 She couldn't even scream。 She shook as her wide eyes looked up into those mean eyes that glowed green。 She forgot how to move her feet。
 A big claw reached for her。
 She felt something warm running down her legs
 RICHARD FOLDED HIS ARMS and leaned back against the rock。 〃Enough!〃
 Zedd and Kahlan both turned their heads; seeming to have forgotten he was even there。 He had been listening to the two of them arguing for at least the last half hour as they sat in front of the fire; and was tired of it。 In fact; he was just plain tired。 Dinner was long since done 。and they should be getting some sleep; but instead they were trying to decide what they would do tomorrow when they reached Tamarang。 Now; instead of arguing; they started presenting their cases to him。
 〃I say we march in there and I deal with Giller。 He is my student。 I will get him to tell me what's going on。 I'm still Wizard of the First Order。 He will do as I say。 He will give me the box。〃
 Kahlan pulled her Confessor's dress from her pack and held it up to Richard。 〃This is the way we deal with Giller。 He is my wizard and he will do as I say because he knows the consequences。〃
 Richard let out a deep breath as he rubbed his eyes with his fingertips。 〃You both want to eat a chicken。 we haven't even plucked yet。 We aren't even sure whose chicken it is。〃
 〃What do you mean?〃 Kahlan asked。
 Richard leaned forward。 Now he had their attention; at last。 〃At the very least; Tamarang is giving a sympathetic ear to D'Hara。 At the very worst; Darken Rahl is there。 Most likely; the fact is somewhere between the two。 If we march in there and tell them what we want; they might not like it。 Tamarang has a whole standing army to express to us how much they don't like it。 Then what? Are the three of us going to fight a war with their army? How is this going to get us the box? How is it going to even get us to Giller? If we have to fight; I'd rather it be on the way out; not on the way in。〃
 Richard expected one of them to express some sort of objection while they sat as if being scolded; but neither did; so he went on。
 〃Maybe Giller is waiting and hoping someone will e; so he can help them get away with the box。 Then again; maybe he will not be so willing to part pany with it。 But we won't know if we never make it to him; now; will we?〃 He addressed Zedd。 〃You told me the box has magic; and a wizard; or Rahl; can feel that magic; but a wizard can also cover the feeling of that magic with a wizard's web; so the box can't be detected。 That could be why Queen Milena wanted a wizard…to hide the box from Rahl; and use it as a bargaining tool。 If we create a big motion; and scare Giller; no matter how he feels about us; he may be frightened; and use the opportunity to escape。 It could also be that Rahl is just waiting for the quarry to be flushed from cover; and then he will pounce。〃
 Zedd turned to Kahlan。 〃I think the Seeker has some good points。 Perhaps we should hear him out?〃
 Kahlan smiled a little。 〃I believe you are correct; good wizard。〃 She turned to Richard。 〃What is your way?〃
 〃You've dealt with this Queen Milena before; right? What sort of person is she?〃
 Kahlan needed no time to give it any thought。 〃Tamarang is a minor and relatively insignificant land。 Still; Queen Milena is as pompous and arrogant as any queen es。〃 〃A small snake; but a snake that can kill us nonetheless;〃 Richard noted。
 Kahlan nodded。。 〃But a snake with a big head。〃
 〃Small snakes have to be careful; cautious; when they don't know what they are up against。 The first thing we have to do; is to give her a worry。 Make her unsure enough not to bite us。〃
 〃What do you mean?〃 Kahlan asked。
 〃You said you've dealt with her before。 Confessors go to the lands to take confessions; and to inspect the prisons; to find out what they will。 She wouldn't want to close Tamarang to a Confessor; would she?〃
 〃Not if she has half a brain;〃 Zedd chuckled。
 〃Well; that's what we do then。 You put your dress back on; and do your duty。 Simply a Confessor doing what Confessors are expected to do。 She may not like it; but she will treat you well; she will want you to be happy。 She will want you to see what you will; and then be on your way。 The last thing she will want is to raise a fuss。 So; you inspect her dungeon; smile; or frown; or whatever it is you do; and then before we're on our way; you say you want to speak to your former wizard。〃
 〃You think she should go alone?〃 Zedd protested。
 〃No。 Kahlan doesn't have a wizard with her; the Queen would see that as a tempting vulnerability。 We don't want her mouth to water。〃
 Zedd folded his arms。 〃I will be her wizard。〃
 〃No; you will not be her wizard! Darken Rahl is killing people as we speak; looking for you。 If you remove the wizard's web; let them know who you are; we'll have trouble down around our ears before we can get away with the box。 Who 。knows what reward there is on your wrinkled hide。 You will be her protection; but you will be anonymous protection。 You will be 。 。 。 〃 Richard tapped the sword hilt; thinking。 His eyes came back down。 〃You will be a cloud reader。 A trusted advisor to the Mother Confessor in the absence of a wizard。〃 Richard frowned slightly at Zedd's grumble。 〃I'm sure you know how to play the part。〃
 〃Then you will hide your sword; your identity; from her as well?〃 Kahlan asked。
 〃No。 The presence of the …Seeker will give her pause; something else to worry about; something to keep her fangs in her mouth until we're away。 The whole point is to give her something she's familiar with; a Confessor; so as not to raise an alarm。 At the same time; give her something to keep her worried; a cloud reader and the Seeker; so she would rather be rid of us than find out what sort of trouble we might be able to cause。 The way you two want to do it gets us in a fight; a fight where one or all of us could be hurt。 My way puts us at minimum risk of a fight; and if it es; at least it will be when we're on our way out with the box。〃 He gave each of them a stern look。 〃You do remember the box; don' you? In case you've forgotten; that is what we're after; not Giller's head in a basket。 Whose side he's on is not an issue。 We must only get the box; no more。〃
 Kahlan folded her arms with a frown; Zedd rubbed his chin while he looked into the fire。 Richard let them mull it over for a while。 He knew that the way they wanted to do it was sure to cause trouble; and that soon enough they would both realize it。
 Zedd turned back to him。 〃Of course you are right。 I agree。〃 His thin face turned to Kahlan。 〃Mother Confessor?〃
 She studied Zedd's face a moment before looking up at Richard。 〃Agreed。 But Richard; the two of you will have to play the part of courtiers to the Mother Confessor。 Zedd knows the protocol; but you don't。〃
 〃I hope not to be there long。 Just tell me what I need to know to get by for a short time。〃
 Kahlan drew a deep breath。 〃Well; I guess the most important thing is to look like you are part of my escort; be 。 。 。 respectful。〃 She cleared her throat; diverting her eyes。 〃Just pretend like I am the most important person you have ever been around; and treat me in that manner; and no one will question。 Every Confessor allows her attendants different liberties; and as long as you are deferential; no one will think anything of it if you should happen to do something not quite proper。 Even if you think my behavior 。 。 。 odd; just play along。 All right?〃
 Richard watched her a moment while she studied the ground。 He rose to his。 feet。 〃It would be my honor; Mother Confessor。〃 He gave a bow。
 Zedd cleared his throat。 〃A little deeper; my boy。 You are not traveling with a mere Confessor。 You are an escort to the Mother Confessor herself。〃 〃All right;〃 Richard sighed。 〃I'll do my best。 Now; get some sleep。 I'll take first watch。〃 He started walking toward t
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