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the fathers of the constitution-第13部分

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ntions。 The old line of cleavage was fairly well represented by the excommunication of a member of St。 John's Episcopal Church of Providence for tendering bank notes; and the expulsion of a member of the Society of the Cincinnati for a similar cause。 The contest culminated in the case of Trevett vs。 Weeden; 1786; which is memorable in the judicial annals of the United States。 The legislature; not being satisfied with ordinary methods of enforcement; had provided for the summary trial of offenders without a jury before a court whose judges were removable by the Assembly and were therefore supposedly subservient to its wishes。 In the case in question the Superior Court boldly declared the enforcing act to be unconstitutional; and for their contumacious behavior the judges were summoned before the legislature。 They escaped punishment; but only one of them was reelected to office。 Meanwhile disorders of a more serious sort; which startled the whole country; occurred in Massachusetts。 It is doubtful if a satisfactory explanation ever will be found; at least one which will be universally accepted; as to the causes and origin of Shays' Rebellion in 1786。 Some historians maintain that the uprising resulted primarily from a scarcity of money; from a shortage in the circulating medium; that; while the eastern counties were keeping up their foreign trade sufficiently at least to bring in enough metallic currency to relieve the stringency and could also use various forms of credit; the western counties had no such remedy。 Others are inclined to think that the difficulties of the farmers in western Massachusetts were caused largely by the return to normal conditions after the extraordinarily good times between 1776 and 1780; and that it was the discomfort attending the process that drove them to revolt。 Another explanation reminds one of present…day charges against undue influence of high financial circles; when it is insinuated and even directly charged that the rebellion was fostered by conservative interests who were trying to create a public opinion in favor of a more strongly organized government。 Whatever other causes there may have been; the immediate source of trouble was the enforced payment of indebtedness; which to a large extent had been allowed to remain in abeyance during the war。 This postponement of settlement had not been merely for humanitarian reasons; it would have been the height of folly to collect when the currency was greatly depreciated。 But conditions were supposed to have been restored to normal with the cessation of hostilities; and creditors were generally inclined to demand payment。 These demands; coinciding with the heavy taxes; drove the people of western Massachusetts into revolt。 Feeling ran high against lawyers who prosecuted suits for creditors; and this antagonism was easily transferred to the courts in which the suits were brought。 The rebellion in Massachusetts accordingly took the form of a demonstration against the courts。 A paper was carried from town to town in the County of Worcester; in which the signers promised to do their utmost 〃to prevent the sitting of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas for the county; or of any other court that should attempt to take property by distress。〃 The Massachusetts Legislature adjourned in July; 1786; without remedying the trouble and also without authorizing an issue of paper money which the hardpressed debtors were demanding。 In the months following mobs prevented the courts from sitting in various towns。 A special session of the legislature was then called by the Governor but; when that special session had adjourned on the 18th of November; it might just as well have never met。 It had attempted to remedy various grievances and had made concessions to the malcontents; but it had also passed measures to strengthen the hands of the Governor。 This only seemed to inflame the rioters; and the disorders increased。 After the lower courts a move was made against the State Supreme Court; and plans were laid for a concerted movement against the cities in the eastern part of the State。 Civil war seemed imminent。 The insurgents were led by Daniel Shays; an officer in the army of the Revolution; and the party of law and order was represented by Governor James Bowdoin; who raised some four thousand troops and placed them under the command of General Benjamin Lincoln。 The time of year was unfortunate for the insurgents; especially as December was unusually cold and there was a heavy snowfall。 Shays could not provide stores and equipment and was unable to maintain discipline。 A threatened attack on Cambridge came to naught for; when preparations were made to protect the city; the rebels began a disorderly retreat; and in the intense cold and deep snow they suffered severely; and many died from exposure。 The center of interest then shifted to Springfield; where the insurgents were attempting to seize the United States arsenal。 The local militia had already repelled the first attacks; and the appearance of General Lincoln with his troops completed the demoralization of Shays' army。 The insurgents retreated; but Lincoln pursued relentlessly and broke them up into small bands; which then wandered about the country preying upon the unfortunate inhabitants。 When spring came; most of them had been subdued or had taken refuge in the neighboring States。 Shays' Rebellion was fairly easily suppressed; even though it required the shedding of some blood。 But it was the possibility of further outbreaks that destroyed men's peace of mind。 There were similar disturbances in other States; and there the Massachusetts insurgents found sympathy; support; and finally a refuge。 When the worst was over; and Governor Bowdoin applied to the neighboring States for help in capturing the last of the refugees; Rhode Island and Vermont failed to respond to the extent that might have been expected of them。 The danger; therefore; of the insurrection spreading was a cause of deep concern。 This feeling was increased by the impotence of Congress。 The Government had sufficient excuse for intervention after the attack upon the national arsenal in Springfield。 Congress; indeed; began to raise troops but did not dare to admit its purpose and offered as a pretext an expedition against the Northwestern Indians。 The rebellion was over before any assistance could be given。 The inefficiency of Congress and its lack of influence were evident。 Like the disorders in Rhode Island; Shays' Rebellion in Massachusetts helped to bring about a reaction and strengthened the conservative movement for reform。 These untoward happenings; however; were only symptoms: the causes of the trouble lay far deeper。 This fact was recognized even in Rhode Island; for at least one of the conventions had passed resolutions declaring that; in considering the condition of the whole country; what particularly concerned them was the condition of trade。 Paradoxical as it may seem; the trade and commerce of the country were already on the upward grade and prosperity was actually returning。 But prosperity is usually a process of slow growth and is seldom recognized by the community at large until it is well established。 Farsighted men forecast the coming of good times in advance of the rest of the community; and prosper accordingly。 The majority of the people know that prosperity has come only when it is unmistakably present; and some are not aware of it until it has begun to go。 If that be true in our day; much more was it true in the eighteenth century; when means of communication were so poor that it took days for a message to go from Boston to New York and weeks for news to get from Boston to Charleston。 It was a period of adjustment; and as we look back after the event we can see that the American people were adapting themselves with remarkable skill to the new conditions。 But that was not so evident to the men who were feeling the pinch of hard times; and when all the attendant circumstances; some of which have been described; are taken into account; it is not surprising that commercial depression should be one of the strongest influences in; and the immediate occasion of; bringing men to the point of willingness to attempt some radical changes。 The fact needs to be reiterated that the people of the United States were largely dependent upon agriculture and other forms of extractive industry; and that markets for the disposal of their goods were an absolute necessity。 Some of the States; especially New England and the Middle States; were interested in the carrying trade; but all were concerned in obtaining markets。 On account of jealousy interstate trade continued a precarious existence and by no means sufficed to dispose of the surplus products; so that foreign markets were necessary。 The people were especially concerned for the establishment of the old trade with the West India Islands; which had been the mainstay of their prosperity in colonial times; and after the British Government; in 1783; restricted that trade to British vessels; many people in the United States were attributing hard times to British malignancy。 The only action which seemed possible was to force Great Britain in particular; but other foreign countries as well; to make such trade agreem
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