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Death World(科幻战争)TXT电子书完本免费下载

Death World(科幻战争)封面
简介:《Death World(科幻战争)》作者:[英]Steve Lyons【完结】Synopsis (英文书籍文案)A squad of Catachan Jungle Fighters is sent to the deathworld of Rogar III in response to an ork incursion. But, as well as dealing with the orks, they must do battle the planet itself - not to the mention the mysterious figures that stalk them across the deadly terrain.The troops go to war in the Gothic battle-barges of the Empire. They deal with the inept and sometimes corrupt Imperium commanders. Horror exists at every turn--from the dangers of the corrupting warp to the attack of zombies in the night.CHAPTER ONEAs soon as he woke, Trooper Lorenzo knew there was something wrong....

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